The Only Question A Man Needs To Ask Himself and Then Answer To Make All The Difference In The World

John Mar 08, 2023
8 People Read
Man By Himself
Table of Contents
  1. Where Is The Man?
  2. A Man Must Consider His Orientation
  3. A Complete Man Knows, While an Incomplete Man is Broken
  4. A Man Lives a Full Life When He Knows His Place
  5. A Man Is Complete When He Knows Whose He Is
  6. A Man's Life Changes When Fear Is Cast Out And Love Enters
  7. A Man's Legacy Is Built Every Day
  8. God's Glory Rather Than Man's Glory
    1. Related Articles

The life of a person after they turn 40 is often one where the limitations on what can be accomplished begins to show itself. It's at this point in time that some begin to realize their strength and ability come from Christ alone, for without Him everything means nothing; meaning success as defined by cultural standards like wealth or power. Men have a deep-seated need for these things, but the fleeting things of this world will never satisfy us because they're temporary.

Men have a tendency to put their faith in idols, rather than the one true God, and this is where problems arise. When we stop chasing these idols and fleeting things and pursue Christ, we can finally find freedom because we're living out our purpose - which isn't just about doing well but rather in being defined by Christ and finding love, grace and mercy in Him. Every man can experience this profound change by submitting to God as the ruler of his life. Keep reading for a few good nuggets of truth that could make all the difference in your life.

Where Is The Man?

What if we’ve been doing everything right and still aren't happy? Something is missing in our life. Perhaps something feels a bit "off" and we just cannot put our finger on it.

In a world where it is increasingly difficult to be content, how can you make sure your personal life aligns with what matters most in the grand scheme of things? As men are often taught from an early age playing with Legos and building things, they learn that they must become reliable individuals who eventually grow up to find their way around construction sites or manage multi-million dollar investments well enough to meet society's needs and create value in the marketplace.

This wiring from childhood carries over into adulthood where most men try to accomplish great things despite feeling like failures in other areas of their personal life. Men can have all the success in the world, but still fail in the big things. They're missing out on the greater purpose of existence without achieving success in the things that truly matter, like having an eternal impact. 

Man By Himself

A Man Must Consider His Orientation

Men are naturally inclined to know what their impact is for society in the physical world. They keep their head down, build their own businesses, achieve financial freedom, experience much success in the world, and collect all the material like boats, cars, and toys. Now there is nothing wrong with these things, but when they become the main things, that's a problem. Our status and influence within the spiritual dimension isn't something we often think about.

The Bible tells us that faith can move mountains: "Set your affection on things above not below" (Col 3:2). So how do you make an impact that has eternal ramifications for your life and the life of others? Well it's as simple as having total trust in God. Having faith like a child (Matthew 18:3), and knowing that God is in control. He has a great plan and purpose for you, if you will just believe, give your life to Him, then live your life for God's glory (rather than your own). 

It may be an uncomfortable thought to a man who plays the part of God to humble himself and submit to God the Father. He will either choose to do this on his own, or will be humbled by some extenuating circumstance that will cause this humbling and submission to God. After all, when it comes to the deep, important questions of our existence, men tend to overlook this or concoct their own imagination of the world as it is rather than getting the actual answers to life's questions from the Word of Truth...the Bible.

A Complete Man Knows, While an Incomplete Man is Broken

The root cause for many people's brokenness is their lack of faith in something unseen. They default back to self-reliance and this can lead them into an extraordinary burden, which might affect the way they live out relationships with others as well as unforeseen outcomes to their mental health and wellness, manifesting itself with depression, stress symptoms, and sickness among other things; all because there was no trust placed on what God has already accomplish through His son Jesus Christ (John 3:16).

God can heal our brokenness and restore us to a place of peace. We just need to release those burdens, stop picking them back up when we feel the urge do so, have faith that God has better plans for what is happening in life - even if it doesn't seem like it in the moment - and trust Him with every fiber of your being because He will never let you down!

A Man Lives a Full Life When He Knows His Place

The key to finding your place in the spiritual realm that God created is by examining what weighs heavy on you. You may need to set aside time for prayer and meditation where you can disconnect from society, find a quiet place free of distractions, and ask God to give you strength when faced with difficult issues-like healing or adjusting. He knows all about what troubles you because we are his children! So leave those burdens at His altar and take courage knowing He will come near to you, if you draw near to Him.

So the question a man must ask himself is if he's willing to submit his life in obedience to God's will, or will he chose to live for himself? These are the same questions man has asked himself throughout the age of the world, and nothing is new under the sun when it comes to human behavior.

A Man Is Complete When He Knows Whose He Is

God is always with you, even when it doesn’t feel like He is. When you’re facing a seemingly impossible burden or challenge, He's with you. He hears your prayers and will answer in His way at the perfect time--you just need to listen for Him! And if this sounds like something that would be helpful right now, open up your Bible and read a chapter of Psalms. Read a chapter each day over seven days (and pray). Then see how much closer God draws near to you from His words being spoken into your life. You may begin to see that today's trials become insignificant if God is stirring your heart. In order to be a complete man, you have to grow in your relationship with God.

A man can only receive the answers to life's biggest questions when he has a relationship with God the Father through the death and resurrection of His son Christ Jesus. The Godly individuals I know have found a peace that overcomes all, because they walk right with their God. And God can be your God too if you believe. All men should aspire to walk right with God, and not the wrong ones (idols), and only when they feel like it or need something. No. All men should strive to walk with God every day, and live their life for Him. Apart from God, we can do nothing.

A Man's Life Changes When Fear Is Cast Out And Love Enters

The God-given ability to love joyfully and peacefully follows the promptings of His Holy Spirit working in our hearts and minds. This can only happen after we place all confidence in Him. Fear will vanish. Anxiety cast away. Anger dissipates. Resentment from past hurts or wrongs done against you disappears. Healing and restoration occur. A new man and a new legacy can emerge.

As you submit yourself fully into His care will His purpose become evident as He reveals Himself more clearly to you through prayerful searches for answers that can be found only by knowing Him deeply – and this begins with faith! It comes down to one simple question. Do you have faith? The answer to this question can determine the legacy you begin the day you decide, and for the legacy that you will leave behind after this world.

Sunset Over Water

A Man's Legacy Is Built Every Day

I did not begin to see the error of my ways until around 40 years old. It was only then that I realized submitting myself daily and allowing God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven has made all the difference for me. And this idea came after many experiences where things almost went wrong: losing family, risking career accomplishments- everything else which seemed like bad luck at first, but by God's grace turned out well for me later down the line because these events humbled me beyond belief, causing a change within me – a change from living for myself to living for God. 

I can now say that I'm a complete man, but I had to experience a humbling and submission of all of my life to get where I am today. Allow God to be the Captain of your life, who will help navigate you through stormy seas to tranquil waters. Submit yourself and follow his instructions found in scripture for a more fulfilling future!

God's Glory Rather Than Man's Glory

Thank you for your time. I know that this is not an easy topic to talk about, let alone write about. None of us are perfect (especially me). But God has been so merciful towards me--even when there were times where He had a purpose for good from my own sin and mistakes! And now instead I have new hope every day because Christ Jesus gives meaning and freedom. This is the greatest benefit to not only knowing God, but growing in my relationship with Him. He gives life. That is His redemptive gospel message for those who hear and believe.  Will you take the next step with Christ in your life?

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Table of Contents
  1. Where Is The Man?
  2. A Man Must Consider His Orientation
  3. A Complete Man Knows, While an Incomplete Man is Broken
  4. A Man Lives a Full Life When He Knows His Place
  5. A Man Is Complete When He Knows Whose He Is
  6. A Man's Life Changes When Fear Is Cast Out And Love Enters
  7. A Man's Legacy Is Built Every Day
  8. God's Glory Rather Than Man's Glory
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