For Husbands: Biblical Marriage Principles To Follow For A Great Marriage

John Jan 02, 2023
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biblical marriage
Table of Contents
  1. The Marriage Covenant: Love Your Wife
  2. God Designed Marriage: Love Is Sacrifice
  3. A Covenant Relationship: Love Requires Patience
  4. Open And Honest Communication: Make Time With Your Wife
  5. Protect And Defend Her
  6. Cherish And Adore Her
  7. The Bible Defines Marriage
    1. Related Articles

There are many biblical principles that husbands are commanded to follow to live out a great marriage as designed by God. In this blog post, we'll explore some of those key principles and how following them can lead to a happy and lasting marriage. So if you're ready to learn more about what it takes to be a godly husband, read on!

The Marriage Covenant: Love Your Wife

Ephesians 5 is clear that husbands ought to love their wives as Jesus loved the Church. This is a reminder of the high standard of love to which we are called. The kind of love given by Jesus helps husbands to lead, provide, and serve with compassion and strength. This kind of love is the biblical definition of true love. It's a choice rather than a feeling. It's obedience to love when we don't feel like it. It’s an opportunity for husbands to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. True love from husbands builds up and valorizes their wives according to God's word, taking into account the scriptures in Ephesians 5. That is the biblical definition of love. And love covers a multitude of sins. So don't be selfish with your love. It's unconditional.

Love propels us forward, motivates us, and guides us through times both joyous and difficult. We should strive to give our wives that same unconditional type of love that Christ gave regardless of our successes or failures as husbands. God created marriage, and He commands that "let no man separate what God has joined." That "no man" part of the verse means anyone (friends, parents, in-laws, siblings, your wife, and you).

husband and wife

God Designed Marriage: Love Is Sacrifice

Showing sacrifice for someone you love takes courage and strength, but at times it can be more than difficult. It oftentimes involves putting our fears aside and diving into the unknown. Love is a choice. We choose to love even when we don't feel like it. Through Jesus, God's son, we are given the promise that if we are willing to sacrifice for her out of our love, not fear, He will provide us with what we need to move forward.

The hope and prayer are that all those who sacrifice for their wife have the strength, courage, and hope to endure whatever may come and trust in their faith that God will watch over them no matter what. Christian marriage requires faith and trust in Jesus Christ to see you through the highs and especially the lows. Love God and love her, and that is essentially the Biblical definition of a successful marriage. God gave us wives as a blessing to enjoy, one woman to love and to hold forever. That's God's design.

husband and wife

A Covenant Relationship: Love Requires Patience

Being patient and understanding with your wife is one of the most important aspects of a healthy marriage according to the Bible. It takes patience, gentleness, self-control, and true commitment to stay in love and enjoy each other's company. Having patience and understanding to enter into a problem with your wife as an ally, rather than an adversary, can be difficult but will create many rewards in the long run, especially in God's eyes where he states the two are one flesh. You two are now joined as one flesh, and that is how the marriage should be viewed from your eyes also.

By letting go of distractions, practicing patience, and being generous with understanding, you can bring a sense of peace and joy back into your relationship. Show kindness towards her needs and concerns by being faithful to her wishes; show her that you are there for her in a way that builds mutual trust. In doing so you will find the patience to be well worth it!

A gentle and understanding kind of patience can help redefine marriage as you both see it now into a beautiful union you may not have thought possible. Patience and gentleness will triumph over many struggles. The question is, how do you personally handle those struggles? If the answer is not well, you may be unable to deal patiently with your wife. If that is the case for you, pray about this and seek God's wisdom for your life. God's plan is greater than our plans, so trust him to lead you into victory with love, grace, and mercy.

love requires patience

Open And Honest Communication: Make Time With Your Wife

Communication with your wife is essential for having a healthy and happy biblical marriage. It’s important to practice honest communication, even when it may be difficult; this takes emotional intelligence and a willingness to listen. It can help to set aside time each day devoted solely to communication with your wife, asking questions like “How was your day?” and being open to hearing her answers. Exchange ideas and feelings openly instead of struggling silently, which ultimately strengthens the connection between husband and wife. A biblical marriage needs communication as much as it needs love, so show your wife that you’re always willing to have an open conversation with her.

love requires communication

Protect And Defend Her

Protecting and defending your wife is paramount to keeping the marriage covenant strong. It's not just a matter of chivalry or tradition; it's a matter of two individuals united as one flesh in marriage through Christ Jesus. When a husband provides protection and reassurance to his wife, it demonstrates love and security within a biblical marriage. Providing her protection and defense shows that you believe in the strength, character, and worth of your marriage as God created. This protection also keeps her safe from inner and outer harm and provides an avenue for comfort in times of distress. After all, protection through true love is the best protection there is. Protect and defend her as Christ loved the church, even to the point of death on the cross.

defend your wife

Cherish And Adore Her

Loving and cherishing your wife is one of the most important things a husband can do in a biblical marriage. Showing love and appreciation to your wife demonstrates holiness and obedience to God, and it can have a profound impact on the love, joy, and happiness that exists in your marriage. Enjoy the love that you are blessed with by actively listening to her needs and desires, spending quality time together, laughing together as often as possible, not taking each other for granted, and being respectful of each other's differing opinions (even if she wants fake trees to frame the front door of the house), and continually expressing love for one another. Cherish and adore your wife as much as you possibly can as the Lord God has blessed you.

love your wife

The Bible Defines Marriage

Growing in love with your wife is a lifelong journey. As you seek to become more Christ-like in your life, your marriage will be richer and deeper than you ever thought possible. By sacrificing for her, being patient and understanding, communicating openly and honestly, protecting and defending her, and cherishing and adoring her, you can take your biblical marriage to the next level. So what will you do to grow in love with your wife? Seek God's guidance and trust Him to help you become the husband He created you to be.

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Table of Contents
  1. The Marriage Covenant: Love Your Wife
  2. God Designed Marriage: Love Is Sacrifice
  3. A Covenant Relationship: Love Requires Patience
  4. Open And Honest Communication: Make Time With Your Wife
  5. Protect And Defend Her
  6. Cherish And Adore Her
  7. The Bible Defines Marriage
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