Overcoming Man's Greatest Challenge - How to Conquer Pride

John Mar 09, 2023
7 People Read
kingdom work
Table of Contents
  1. Identify the source of your pride and understand why it has become an issue
    1. Evaluate how pride is affecting your life, relationships, and goals
  2. Embrace humility as an alternative to pride
    1. Develop Practices that Create Humility in Your Life
  3. Remember God's Kingdom is First - Put Your Hope in Him
    1. Pray for Strength and Rely on His Grace
  4. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

As men, we often place ourselves on pedestals and try to create our own kingdom instead of honoring the one true king Jesus Christ. When we become stuck in this prideful state of mind, it can be difficult to find the courage needed to turn away from ourselves and embrace God's throne. In this blog post, I will discuss how you can start overcoming your greatest challenge by putting your hope confidently in God's plan for you. With faith and practice, you can break free from the chains of self-centeredness and restore true spiritual joy to your life.

man working

Identify the source of your pride and understand why it has become an issue

The Bible clearly outlines the source of our pride; it is a result of worshiping the idols of our own works instead of honoring the works of God. When we idolize our successes, projects, and ideas, we fail to recognize that anything worth achieving must first come from Him, not us. Furthermore, when faith and trust in God are replaced by pride, we mistakenly attempt to build our own kingdoms while forgetting His. Pride can become a major issue when it's placed before obedience to God's kingdom, which requires us to put away any idols and stand on our faith in Him.


Evaluate how pride is affecting your life, relationships, and goals

Pride has a way of lifting us up, convincing us that reliance on our own strength and power is the way to achieve success. But oftentimes, by placing too much faith in ourselves, we are not looking to God to help us reach our goals or be part of our journey. The Bible reassures us that pride comes before the fall and encourages us instead to find humility, lowliness, and selflessness as a way to gain life. When evaluating the role pride is playing in our lives, relationships, and goals, it's important to remember that all power and strength truly come from God and He gives them generously if we are willing to accept it. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.


Embrace humility as an alternative to pride

We often strive for strong, proud leadership. However, the Bible clearly instructs us to avoid pride and embrace lowliness through humility. In God's kingdom, meekness and lowliness are virtues that rank higher than large ambition and aggressive power plays. Although it takes strength to humble ourselves in the face of prideful tendencies, following God's word is ultimately more rewarding. If we seek truth, instead of relying on our own prideful needs, we will find that our steps are ordered by Him; He will make even our weakest moments strong. Embrace humility as an alternative to pride to keep your heart in alignment with God's word.


Develop Practices that Create Humility in Your Life

The Bible teaches us that humility should be the driving force of our lives instead of pride. Living in humility means putting others first and loving them as we love ourselves, serving them not just with words but with action and sacrifice. When we lower ourselves humbly before God, He responds by lifting us up. Walking in humility is a form of obedience, trusting that God's plans are higher than ours--indeed, it requires faith to believe that what God has planned for us is better than our own plans and ways we go about satisfying our desires. By developing habits and practices that lead to true humility in Christ Jesus, we can honor God and experience His grace more deeply.


Remember God's Kingdom is First - Put Your Hope in Him

Our greatest challenge is to remember that God's kingdom is first, so that we may put our hope in Him. Faith, hope, and love are the cornerstones of our relationship with Christ Jesus. We can show our obedience to His will by following the example He set through His humble sacrifice on the cross. As we follow in His footsteps, God may bless us with a life of purpose and direction. When we put God first in everything we do and surrender all of our trust to Him, incredible things tend to happen. Our lives will be transformed as we humbly seek a close relationship with the Lord and stand firm on His Word.


Pray for Strength and Rely on His Grace

As the Bible states, pride comes before a fall. Yet if we honor God's kingdom first and kneel to Him on His throne, then His grace and mercy will provide us with sufficient strength to deal with any challenge that life throws at us. Jesus even says that His burden is easy and His yoke is light - so instead of relying on our own power and strength, it’s better to seek humility and submit to God’s authority. Praying for strength is always the best option; it reminds us to rely on God and embrace His grace.



Pride is powerful, yet dangerous. We often focus more on building our own kingdom than God's. It's important to recognize the source of pride and evaluate how it has impacted our lives, goals, and relationships. Humility is the antidote to pride, allowing us to follow His will instead of ours. Practicing humility by embracing love over fear and judgement, serving others, surrendering control, and placing your hope in God are all ways to replace pride with humility in your life. Finally, pray for strength and rely on His grace when you feel the pull of pride tugging at you. Withdrawn from pride’s grasp, you can live humbly for Him and fulfill His plans for your life. So, I'll leave you with this:- Will you cast aside your pride and live humbly in humility at the throne of God?

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Table of Contents
  1. Identify the source of your pride and understand why it has become an issue
    1. Evaluate how pride is affecting your life, relationships, and goals
  2. Embrace humility as an alternative to pride
    1. Develop Practices that Create Humility in Your Life
  3. Remember God's Kingdom is First - Put Your Hope in Him
    1. Pray for Strength and Rely on His Grace
  4. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles