The Four "Bs" Every Man Of Faith Should Do

John Jan 02, 2023
14 People Read
man should do
Table of Contents
  1. Be in Word
  2. Be in Prayer
  3. Be in Fellowship
  4. Be With Your Cornermen
  5. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

How can a stronger faith make us better men? By developing certain spiritual disciplines, we can live our lives in a way that God has called men to live and lead. Here are the four "Bs" every man of faith should develop:

1) Be in Word

2) Be in Prayer

3) Be in Fellowship

4) Be with your Cornermen

Developing these spiritual disciplines will not only make us better men but stronger men of faith living on purpose for God's kingdom. Let's take a closer look at each one.

God's glory

Be in Word

God's word is not only its reward, it contains life’s instruction both in terms of an eternal reward and daily living. The Scriptures that make up the Bible reveal God's character and it provides a path to transformation through God into a Christ-like example. Reading God’s word gives clarity while bringing an understanding of God’s perspective on living a life of obedience to His commands for his children. God commanded us to be “In Word” and reject worldly philosophies. God’s Word truly offers us the way, the truth, and the light for our lives as we discover his purposes for us. Embracing God's Word will affect every aspect of our lives positively from providing direction to strengthening our faith. The more we lean into Him by studying His word, the closer he will draw near to us and provide us with everything we need.

Be in Word

Be in Prayer

Prayer serves an integral role in our relationship with God. It is speaking to Him and giving Him our requests to make known, trusting that He will hear. Prayer should be done without ceasing, as it avails much in moments of faith and doubt alike. We can tell Him of our worries, praise Him for His goodness, seek guidance on decisions we need to make, and thank Him for what He has already done. Being in a continual state of prayer with God can transform us and ignite a Holy Spiritual fire that shines on our path before us, allowing us to take each step in faith and confidence that God is with us.

Be in Prayer

Be in Fellowship

Being in fellowship with other church members allows us to grow closer to God. When we gather together with other believers, we strengthen and edify each other, as well as form a stronger church body. We become united as members of the body of Christ, surrounding ourselves with fellow children of God. As we live our lives in fellowship with one another, we experience the joyous fellowship that forms lasting bonds and a real community. Through united faith, shared truth, and love for one another's company, the church can become a shining light on a hill that brings radiance and glory to our gracious God, pushes back the darkness, and reaches the lost.

Be in Fellowship

Be With Your Cornermen

Life is fraught with challenges, especially for Christian men. When facing any struggle or fight in life, fellow men of faith are essential as your cornermen. Like in a boxing match, it is important to remember that our fellow Christian men are cornermen for other areas of life too - their support and encouragement prove invaluable when faced with a difficult situation. Praying for strength, courage, and wisdom is a must for those who are facing or about to face a challenge in any form. They can also speak truth over us, challenge us in our weaknesses, and help support us with their words and actions. They can point out when we need to keep our guard up, and how we should respond according to God's word. They reveal our blind spots that we may not see. When faced with a challenge or fight, it's best to make sure you're surrounded by your cornermen who believe in you — they can provide the strength and support needed to help carry you through; truly fellow men of faith should be the foundation on which we base our fighting spirit!

Be with Cornermen


When you are in the Word, when you are in prayer, when you are in fellowship with other Christians, and when you have wise Cornermen to help guide and direct your steps--you will be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way. These four things provide a foundation that will allow you to grow stronger, bolder, and more courageous in the faith. So seek these things out for your life...because your life may depend on it. Don't wait until it's too late to realize this truth. Take action today and begin building your foundation on the solid rock of Jesus Christ.

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Table of Contents
  1. Be in Word
  2. Be in Prayer
  3. Be in Fellowship
  4. Be With Your Cornermen
  5. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles