Prioritizing a Life of Calling: How to Make Your Wife Happy God's Way

John Jun 21, 2023
5 People Read
wedding bliss
Table of Contents
  1. Prioritizing a Life of Calling: Bringing Joy and Peace to Your Wife through Christ-Centered Leadership
    1. The Role of Faith in Marriage
    2. Seeking Wisdom in God's Word
    3. Leading Through Servant Leadership
    4. Nurturing a Christ-Centered Relationship
    5. Cultivating a Heart of Love, Grace, and Forgiveness
    6. The Fruit of a Godly Marriage
  2. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

Every husband desires to make his wife happy. However, true happiness in a marriage goes beyond momentary pleasures and is deeply rooted in a higher purpose. As followers of Christ, we are called to prioritize living a life of calling, with our first and foremost priority being to love and follow Jesus, obey God's Word, and submit our lives to the Lord. By aligning our lives with God's design, we can create an environment where our wives can experience genuine joy. This article aims to explore the biblical principles that enable husbands to make their wives happy by focusing on living a life of calling.

happy wife

Prioritizing a Life of Calling: Bringing Joy and Peace to Your Wife through Christ-Centered Leadership

Discover the transformative power of prioritizing a life of calling centered around Jesus Christ and how it can bring immense joy and peace to your wife. As a husband, when you make Christ your first priority and lead by example in the home, you can help your wife live a life in obedience to God's word as you yourself live a life of obedience. By nurturing a Christ-centered marriage, you can satisfy her deepest desires for joy and peace, creating a harmonious and fulfilling relationship rooted in faith.

The Role of Faith in Marriage

Faith is the foundation of a Christ-centered marriage. By placing our faith in Jesus, we acknowledge His lordship over our lives and relationships, including our marriage. The Bible reminds us in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." And who doesn't want straight paths in their life?

married couple in home

Seeking Wisdom in God's Word

To truly understand and meet our wife's desires for joy, we must turn to the ultimate source of wisdom—the Word of God. Psalm 119:105 declares, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." By regularly studying and applying the teachings of the Bible, we gain insights into God's heart for marriage and discover His guidance on how to love and cherish our wives. And when we learn to love our wife with agape love (a selfless and unconditional love that transcends personal interests and desires), we can lead and care for her heart in a way that pleases God for His design in marriage. 

Leading Through Servant Leadership

Jesus set the perfect example of leadership through His servanthood. As husbands, we are called to follow His lead and emulate His sacrificial love. Ephesians 5:25 states, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her." By humbly serving our wives and following the example of Christ's sacrificial love for the church, we demonstrate our priority of love and obedience to God. Through our actions, our wives can witness our faith in action and find assurance that we seek God's desires for them above our own. This selfless love reflects the essence of agape love, bringing a sense of security, trust, and deep fulfillment to our marriages.

Pregnant Couple

Nurturing a Christ-Centered Relationship

A Christ-centered marriage is one in which both partners prioritize their relationship with Jesus above all else. By individually seeking God's will and growing in our personal relationship with Him, we can collectively strengthen our bond as a couple. As we cultivate intimacy with Christ, we develop the ability to love and understand our wives on a deeper level.

Cultivating a Heart of Love, Grace, and Forgiveness

In every marriage, conflicts and disagreements are bound to arise. However, by embracing the principles of love, grace, and forgiveness found in the Bible, we can navigate these challenges in a way that honors God and brings restoration. Colossians 3:13 reminds us, "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

happy family

The Fruit of a Godly Marriage

When a husband prioritizes his calling to love and follow Jesus, it has a transformative impact on his wife and their marriage. As he seeks to align his life with God's Word, his actions and attitudes may inspire his wife to do the same. By living righteously and abiding in Christ Jesus, husbands create an environment where faith, hope, and love flourish as designed by God. 


Making our wives happy involves more than just seeking their temporary joy. By prioritizing a life of calling, with Jesus as our first love and authority, we allow God through His Holy Spirit to make a way for true happiness and fulfillment in our marriages. As husbands, our responsibility is not only to meet our wife's desires for joy but also to lead them closer to God. When we prioritize living a righteous and honorable life, guided by God's Word, we become vessels of God's love and grace in our marriages.

As we conclude, let us remember that happiness in marriage is not achieved by focusing solely on our wife's happiness, but rather by prioritizing our relationship with Jesus and living according to His will. By aligning our lives with God's design, we create a foundation of faith, love, and obedience that brings joy and fulfillment to both ourselves and our wives.

So husbands, let us strive to:

  1. Place our faith in Jesus, trusting Him to guide our marriages (Proverbs 3:5-6).

  2. Seek wisdom and guidance from God's Word in all aspects of our relationships (Psalm 119:105).

  3. Lead our wives through servant leadership, emulating Christ's sacrificial love (Ephesians 5:25).

  4. Cultivate a Christ-centered relationship by individually pursuing a deeper relationship with Jesus (Matthew 6:33).

  5. Cultivate a heart of love, grace, and forgiveness, reflecting God's character in our interactions (Colossians 3:13).

empty nesters

By following these principles, we honor God in our marriages and create an environment where true, lasting joy can flourish. Remember, our ultimate goal is not only to make our wives happy but also to lead them closer to God and encourage their obedience to His Word as we walk and mature in our faith walk with Jesus.

As we prioritize our calling to love and follow Jesus, we can experience the faith, hope, and love that God designed for marriages. Let us commit ourselves to living righteously, seeking God's guidance, and trusting in His perfect plan for our marriages. By doing so, we can truly make our wives happy in the way that God intended.

May our marriages be a reflection of God's love and grace, bringing joy and fulfillment to both ourselves and our wives.

older couple

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Table of Contents
  1. Prioritizing a Life of Calling: Bringing Joy and Peace to Your Wife through Christ-Centered Leadership
    1. The Role of Faith in Marriage
    2. Seeking Wisdom in God's Word
    3. Leading Through Servant Leadership
    4. Nurturing a Christ-Centered Relationship
    5. Cultivating a Heart of Love, Grace, and Forgiveness
    6. The Fruit of a Godly Marriage
  2. Conclusion
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