​Leading Your Family to the Cross: A Husband's Role in Spiritual Leadership

John Apr 04, 2023
33 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Why a Husband is the Spiritual Leader in the Home
    1. God's Design for Marriage
    2. The Role of Leadership
    3. Protecting and Nurturing
  2. How a Husband Should Point His Family to the Cross of Jesus
    1. Model a Christ-Like Attitude
    2. Lead Family Devotions
    3. Encourage Prayer and Worship
    4. Provide Guidance and Support
  3. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

As a husband, you have been called by God to be the spiritual leader in your home. This means that you have a responsibility to guide and shepherd your family in their spiritual journey, and to point them towards the cross of Jesus. Here are some reasons why a husband is the spiritual leader in the home.

man leading

Why a Husband is the Spiritual Leader in the Home

God's Design for Marriage

God created marriage as a covenant relationship between one man and one woman, with the husband serving as the head of the household (Ephesians 5:23). This means that the husband has been given a position of authority and responsibility in the home, including the spiritual well-being of his family.

The Role of Leadership

As a leader, you have the opportunity to set the tone and direction for your family's spiritual growth. This means taking an active role in leading family devotions, praying with and for your family, and modeling a Christ-like attitude and behavior.

Protecting and Nurturing

In addition to leading your family, you are also called to protect and nurture them spiritually. This means guarding your home against the influences of the world and creating a culture of faith and trust within your family. You should also be proactive in addressing any spiritual issues that arise, and seek to provide guidance and support to your family members as needed.


How a Husband Should Point His Family to the Cross of Jesus

As the spiritual leader in your home, it's your responsibility to point your family towards the cross of Jesus. Here are some ways that you can do this:

Model a Christ-Like Attitude

One of the most important ways that you can point your family to the cross is by modeling a Christ-like attitude and behavior. This means displaying humility, kindness, and patience in your interactions with your family members, and showing them the love and grace of Christ in your daily life. Remember that Christian living is exemplified in the thousand little moments throughout the day, and not just one or two major events. Abide in Christ every minute and hour. 

Lead Family Devotions

Another way to point your family to the cross is by leading regular family devotions. This could involve reading and discussing scripture together, praying as a family, or singing worship songs. By making time for regular spiritual reflection and discussion, you can help your family members grow in their faith and understanding of God's word.

Encourage Prayer and Worship

You can also encourage your family members to cultivate their own personal relationship with God through prayer and worship. This could involve setting aside time each day for personal prayer and reflection, or attending church services and participating in corporate worship as a family.

Provide Guidance and Support

Finally, as the spiritual leader in your home, you should be ready to provide guidance and support to your family members as they navigate their own spiritual journey. This could involve answering questions about faith and theology, offering advice and encouragement during difficult times, or simply being a listening ear when someone needs to talk.



As a husband and spiritual leader in your home, you have a crucial role to play in guiding your family towards the cross of Jesus. By modeling a Christ-like attitude and behavior, leading family devotions, encouraging prayer and worship, and providing guidance and support, you can help your family members grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with God. By following these principles, you can help build a strong and thriving family that honors God and reflects His love and grace to the world.

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Table of Contents
  1. Why a Husband is the Spiritual Leader in the Home
    1. God's Design for Marriage
    2. The Role of Leadership
    3. Protecting and Nurturing
  2. How a Husband Should Point His Family to the Cross of Jesus
    1. Model a Christ-Like Attitude
    2. Lead Family Devotions
    3. Encourage Prayer and Worship
    4. Provide Guidance and Support
  3. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles