Husbands, Thinking About Divorce? Think Again. What The Bible Says About Divorce.

John Feb 04, 2023
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Table of Contents
  1. Jesus' example of love in marriage
  2. The husband's responsibility to love his wife
  3. What the Bible says about divorce
  4. How to live peaceably with your spouse
  5. Conclusion
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The Bible is very clear that God does not approve of divorce. In fact, he hates it (Malachi 2:16). Jesus himself said that marriage should be for life and that anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery (Matthew 19:3-9). So what does this mean for husbands? First and foremost, we must strive to follow Jesus’ example by loving our wives unconditionally. Even when we feel that they don’t deserve it, we must show them Christ’s love. Secondly, we must live peaceably with our wives. This doesn’t mean we have to agree on everything – in fact, healthy disagreements can be good for marriage – but it does mean that we should always seek to resolve conflict in a way that honors God and shows respect for our wives. Divorce is never the answer; rather, husbands should do everything in their power to make their marriages work." Sometimes this may require faith beyond your control or understanding, but God's design is perfect. Submit to His will, deny yourself, and choose to love your wife. This is a radical, counter-culture response, but its the only way.


Jesus' example of love in marriage

Jesus' example of love in marriage should be followed by men of faith, as He was the perfect example of love and service. Through His love for us, Jesus demonstrated unconditional love and devoted all — even unto death — to His bride, the Church. One can also look to Jesus' example when it comes to one man and one woman in marriage. Rather than emphasize our differences, we should help each other become more like Him by embracing our differences and being faithful helpmates. In any holy marriage union, there will be times when we have to put down our own will, but if Jesus is the center of our lives, then we can take comfort in knowing that loving each other regardless of the obstacles means following His will instead of ours.


The husband's responsibility to love his wife

Ephesians 5:33 reminds us as husbands that we must love our wives. It is not about ourselves and our own interests, nor is it about having to submit to our wife's will instead of our own; rather, it is about understanding that respecting, honoring, and loving our wives are all necessary components to loving ourselves - because ultimately, by choosing to love our wives, we are making an act of obedience to God. Love for our spouses cannot be rooted in pride or ego, or based on feelings that may wax and wane over time; no, love must be a conscious choice made in a spirit of humility each day. We are called as husbands to ensure that our respect and priorities begin with God first - by submitting ourselves under His will - and extending outward from there. With this concept in mind, the Cross serves as a reminder that true sacrificial love is possible when grounded in Jesus' example.

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What the Bible says about divorce

According to the Bible, sin was the reason why divorce was allowed. Jesus said that due to people's hardness of hearts, Moses had provided permission for man and woman to go their separate ways. Despite this, Jesus also stated that God’s original design (for marriage) was supposed to be holy and that no man should attempt to break apart what God has put together; therefore, a husband must strive to live peaceably and love his wife as Jesus instructed. Divorce is the result of sin, and sin has devastating effects. The only way to overcome sin and see past each other's differences is to follow the Lord’s teachings and be obedient to His will.

thinking about divorce

How to live peaceably with your spouse

As imperfect people, we can often be overtaken by our own feelings and emotions when living with a spouse. True peace in marriage comes from self-sacrifice, putting not your will but His will before you. According to God's word, the Bible, we must follow Jesus' example and strive to love our spouse as He loved us; unconditionally and sacrificially. This means that no matter how difficult your wife's personality may be, we have to find faith in God's ability to strengthen us amidst imperfection. By setting aside our pride and getting over ourselves, we must choose love above all else and have faith that God will give us the strength to forgive when wronged or hurt. Only through His mercy and grace can we then achieve true peace within our hearts and with our spouses.



Jesus’ example of love is the only model for husbands to follow if their marriage is to survive and eventually thrive. The husband must take responsibility to love his wife, even when it’s difficult. What the Bible says about divorce should cause us to pause and think about how we are treating our spouse, and what instinctive thoughts or emotions we allow ourselves to entertain when it comes to divorcing our wife. Are we being too quick to give up? We need to strive for peace in our marriages by choosing love and forgiveness, even when it feels impossible. Love is a choice, and Jesus' obedience to love to the point of death on the cross is the only example we must follow. Husbands, ask yourself today: How will you love your wife?

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Table of Contents
  1. Jesus' example of love in marriage
  2. The husband's responsibility to love his wife
  3. What the Bible says about divorce
  4. How to live peaceably with your spouse
  5. Conclusion
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