You Must Lead Yourself First To Be A Good Leader

John Dec 30, 2022
2 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Practical leadership guidance and 3 standards to uphold.
  2. Setting The Standard And Raising Expectations.
    1. Before you can lead others, You must be able to lead yourself.
    2. If you cannot lead yourself, how will you make a difference?
    3. The Leader Learns.
    4. What is the standard?
    5. Start with these 3 things.
  3. Conclusion - Christ First
  4. Related Articles

Practical leadership guidance and 3 standards to uphold.

“I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” — Ephesians 4:1 NLT

Setting The Standard And Raising Expectations.

When Clemson University was looking for a new head coach in 2009, Dabo Swinney shared a bold vision, “My vision is to make Clemson so good that all the other programs want to be like us.” He got the job. And he hasn’t stopped raising the bar since. 

Creating a standard to live up to helps us fulfill our potential and ultimately becomes everything the organization represents. 

Before you can lead others, You must be able to lead yourself.

If you cannot lead yourself others won’t follow you.

If you cannot lead yourself others won’t respect you.

If you cannot lead yourself others won’t listen to you.

If you cannot lead yourself others won’t trust you.

If you cannot lead yourself others won’t understand you.


If you cannot lead yourself, how will you make a difference?

Good leadership is demanding. It is created from noble disciplines. It requires an elevated sense of mastery with practice, skills, desires and commitment. It begins with leading ourselves to understanding, acknowledging, and accepting things as they are and how they could be.

It is the fundamental and necessary building block to greatness. Set your standards high. Do the best you are capable of doing. Do everything to bring forth your personal best.

To lead yourself successfully is a self-knowing that you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable of. The better you are at leading yourself the better the chance you are at having a positive impact on others.

personal leadership

The Leader Learns.

As Vince Lombardi once said, “Leadership is not just one quality, but rather a blend of many qualities; and while no one individual possesses all of the needed talents that go into leadership, each man can develop a combination to make him a leader.” He speaks about the ability of each man to develop this combination. Lombardi also goes on to say that, “No leader, however great, can long continue unless he wins battles. The battle decides all.” 

With this perspective on winning, the first victory is the man over himself for the greater good. It’s a sacrificial type of leadership in which the leader subjugates his desires over the mission and intent of the organization in which he leads.

Lead From Within:  The truth is we need each other… learn from each other… lead ourselves and to lead by example, because we are joined by a common cause….to lead from within …. so we can increase the quality and quantity of heart based leaders around the world. But setting your bar high begins with you and upholding the standard of supreme leadership.

learning leader

What is the standard?

Start with these 3 things.

Let’s talk about raising the bar to a higher standard. The standards you set define what you strive to become. I’ve found it helpful to phrase the components of my standard as “I Will” statements. 


I will…Ignore the Noise: I will win the battle of the mind, crushing the lies of the enemy that attempt to discourage, focusing on what is true and right (Romans 12:1-2).


I will…Keep My Temple Pure: I will honor God by turning away from visual garbage and protecting my body from sexual sin (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).


I will…Keep My Eyes on Jesus: I know that I can accomplish nothing if I get disconnected or distracted from Him and His purposes (John 15). 

Conclusion - Christ First

These “I Will” statements can help you stay focused on who you want to be and how you want to behave. They form the standard that you will aspire to live up to and ultimately the legacy you leave behind.

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Table of Contents
  1. Practical leadership guidance and 3 standards to uphold.
  2. Setting The Standard And Raising Expectations.
    1. Before you can lead others, You must be able to lead yourself.
    2. If you cannot lead yourself, how will you make a difference?
    3. The Leader Learns.
    4. What is the standard?
    5. Start with these 3 things.
  3. Conclusion - Christ First
  4. Related Articles