Instead Of Projecting Insecurities Onto Your Children, Model Courage Instead.

John Feb 17, 2023
10 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Projecting insecurities onto your children instills fear.
    1. Why would anyone project their insecurities onto someone else?
  2. Fathers should model courageousness to their children because it helps them develop their personalities.
  3. Love and support your children to build them up.
  4. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

It's no secret that children often model the behavior of their parents. So if you're a father, it's important to be mindful of the example you're setting for your kids. That means not projecting your insecurities onto them – instead, showing them courageousness and love. Read on for more tips on how fathers can build up their children rather than intentionally or unintentionally projecting insecurity onto them.

Projecting insecurities onto your children instills fear.

It is all too easy for fathers to limit their children’s experiences by projecting their insecurities onto them. This narrows a child’s view and perspective on life and restricts them to one point of view: that of the paternal figure. However, this choice can prevent a child from developing understanding, awareness, and mindfulness, as well as forming unique views which would benefit them greatly in the long run. Therefore, fathers should understand how powerful their influence is before attempting to project their negative insecurities onto their children: it is a very dangerous path to embark upon.


Why would anyone project their insecurities onto someone else?

Projecting insecurities onto someone is an unconscious defense mechanism that can be used as a way to avoid taking responsibility for one’s own faults and skewed worldview. It is an attempt to externalize the blame, by shifting focus onto someone else, such as a child, instead of admitting and addressing the issues within oneself. It can also be used as a way to manipulate relationships and gain control over those around you, by forcing them to share in your insecurities.

Ultimately, projecting insecurities onto others can be damaging to relationships, as it creates a power imbalance and takes away from the ability to create healthy and fulfilling bonds. This is especially true as the child reaches the adolescent years and begins to formulate their own thoughts and ideas.

To stop projecting insecurities onto your children, the first step is to identify why you feel the need to do so. Is it to avoid looking at yourself, your own issues, and your mistakes? Are you trying to gain control over them in some way? Once you understand why you feel the need to project your insecurities onto your children, the next step is to take responsibility for your feelings and then act to make positive changes.

By taking the time to understand your insecurities, challenge them, and work through them, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and your past, which in turn will help you create healthier relationships with those around you. This will allow you to feel more secure in yourself and create a better, happier environment for your children. By taking the time to understand why you feel the need to project your insecurities onto others, you can begin the process of healing and move forward with a newfound sense of security.

self reflection

Fathers should model courageousness to their children because it helps them develop their personalities.

Fathers are some of the most important and influential people to their children. It is ever so important for fathers to demonstrate courage and boldness when parenting. The Bible gives insight into courage from Psalm 56:11, which says “- in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?.” Additionally, Philippians 4:6 reminds us to “not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving make your requests known to God.” Learning courage early on can give children the peace and confidence to push through when faced with fear or intimidating situations. If fathers model courage as taught by God's word, they can help their children cultivate courage and inner strength that will follow them throughout life. 

When fathers model certain traits of courage, it helps their children develop a perception of how to grow and tackle life's challenges as they go. It allows them to build a strong sense of self and become aware of their purpose in life.  Having a strong sense of courage can bring about clarity of thought and understanding when approaching a difficult situation. This will help them deal with the person or whatever issue they are presented with so that they can address it with sound judgment and a clear perspective.


As fathers serve as role models, they also teach their children important qualities such as kindness, empathy, and respect. When these traits are modeled, it strengthens the relationship between father and child as it allows for more open communication and understanding of emotions. As difficult conversations arise, it can be helpful to have a father who is willing and able to discuss beliefs and accept different points of view. Conversations like this can help the parent and child, who both may feel insecure to start, start to feel secure and less inclined to seek outside sources to feel validated or understood.

Ultimately, fathers should strive to model the type of courage they want their children to have. This can serve to remind them that even when feeling bad, or under pressure, they can still tend to their faith and cling to the courage that it provides.  Fathers should use words and actions to demonstrate that courage is a habit that will always matter no matter the age, as it guides growth in positive directions.  With this, fathers can teach their children to approach the world with courage and a sense of purpose.  They will be able to experience life in new ways, with more clarity and faith that God will provide the courage needed to get them through anything. 


Love and support your children to build them up.

One of the most important things a father can do for his children is love and support them to help build them up. A father should love his children unconditionally, providing love as well as boundaries, guidance, and encouragement to show them the way they should go. These measures will then give the child a sense of security and self-worth, both of which are essential ingredients in helping them develop into confident adults. A father must demonstrate love, but he also needs to find ways to show his children how big the world can be and guide them toward achieving fulfillment without projecting any insecurities or fear onto them.

One way to demonstrate this love is by talking with your children. Talking openly and honestly means that you are willing to listen, think about what is being said, and share your thoughts about it. This is an important part of any relationship and shows children that their parents care about them and are interested in their ideas, goals, and dreams.

Fathers should also show their love through the everyday behaviors that they present to their children. This can include taking notice when their child is doing something well, providing focus and attention during conversations and activities, being available for them to talk to or simply being there to support and listen if they need it. Showing your children that you notice them, focus on them and understand their reality can be just as meaningful as saying “I love you”.

fathers love

Sometimes, fathers are unwilling to emotionally engage with their children and may find it difficult to speak about how they feel. This can be a barrier to understanding their child’s love language. However, fathers need to build a connection with their children and try to understand what they are feeling, even if it may stir up fears or pain that they would rather avoid. Dealing with emotions can help fathers understand their child’s love language and how to best meet their needs.

Fathers should also be aware of the power dynamics between them and their children. For example, victim-blaming and hate speech can be damaging to a child’s self-esteem, making it difficult for them to trust their father or to open up about how they feel. Fathers should be aware of the effect their words can have and try to have a positive relationship with their children based on respect and understanding while using uplifting, seasoned speech that is gracious (Colossians 4:6).

Finally, fathers should not forget that loving a child doesn’t need to be a hard time, although it can feel that way sometimes. It should be a natural part of being a loving partner in the child’s life and creating an open environment where children can feel safe and encouraged to express their feelings. Fathers should strive to understand what their children need and provide that love in the way they need it. With patience and understanding, a father can learn to understand their child’s love language.



It’s not easy being a father, but it is important to remember that our children are watching us and learning from us. If we want them to be brave and confident, we need to model that behavior for them. We also need to love and support them unconditionally – even when they make mistakes. By doing these things, we will help our children grow into happy and healthy adults. Rather than projecting insecurities, will you instead project love and courage? Your children are counting on you.

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Table of Contents
  1. Projecting insecurities onto your children instills fear.
    1. Why would anyone project their insecurities onto someone else?
  2. Fathers should model courageousness to their children because it helps them develop their personalities.
  3. Love and support your children to build them up.
  4. Conclusion
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