Balancing Professional Soldiering and Family Life: Tips for Success

John Jun 27, 2023
6 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Balancing Professional Soldiering and Family Life: The Challenges and Difficulties
    1. The Challenges of Professional Soldiering
  2. Balancing Professional Soldiering and Family Life
    1. Communication is Key
    2. Finding Ways to Stay Connected
    3. Creating a Supportive Environment at Home
  3. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

As a professional soldier, balancing the demands of your job and your family can be challenging. You are expected to lead your family with grace, love, and gentleness, while also dedicating every ounce of your thoughts and energy to your profession. This can be tough, and sometimes the challenges of military life can carry over into homelife. In this blog post, we'll explore the difficulties of professional soldiering while leading your family and provide some tips on how to navigate these challenges successfully.

Balancing Professional Soldiering and Family Life: The Challenges and Difficulties


The Challenges of Professional Soldiering

Professional soldiering is a demanding profession that requires physical, mental, and emotional strength. You may be required to deploy for long periods, work unpredictable schedules, and deal with the constant threat of danger. These factors can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being, making it difficult to maintain healthy relationships with your loved ones.

One of the biggest challenges of being a military spouse and parent is being away from your family for extended periods. Deployments can last for months or even years, leaving spouses and children to cope with the absence of their loved ones. The parent left behind must take on the responsibilities of both parents, juggling work, household duties, and caring for the children. This can be stressful and overwhelming, especially when the parent is also dealing with their worries and anxieties about their spouse's safety.


Balancing Professional Soldiering and Family Life

Despite these challenges, military men and women are expected to lead their families with grace, love, and gentleness. Balancing professional soldiering and family life requires a delicate balance, and there are a few things you can do to navigate this successfully.

Communication is Key

Communication is crucial when balancing professional soldiering and family life. It's essential to talk openly and honestly with your spouse and children about the challenges you are facing and the emotions you are experiencing. And when I say openly and honestly, talk to your spouse like they’re your life partner, not one of your soldiers that you bark orders at. By sharing your feelings in a loving and tender way, you can help your family understand what you are going through and help them to be supportive and empathetic. Also by listening to their cares and concerns with empathy, you can develop mutual understanding that strengthens the bonds of your relationship. 


Finding Ways to Stay Connected

Maintaining a strong connection with your family, even when you are away, is also important. This can involve regular phone calls, video chats, and sending care packages and letters. By staying connected, you can help minimize the impact of your absence and maintain a strong bond with your loved ones.

And if they're not deployed, the tempo of military life can create seemingly separate lives for the military couple. As a professional soldier, being mindful of your military life versus your family life is just as important as being a good solider. Are you giving your family, your wife and kids, the same level of effort and attention that you give to your career and your own soldiers? It's important for the professional soldier to find ways to reconnect with his wife and children, and to put in the effort. Afterall, it's the quality time spent with your family when you're home that makes all the difference, so don't squander it.

phone call

Creating a Supportive Environment at Home

Creating a supportive environment at home is essential. As a military spouse and parent, you must learn to turn off your soldier mentality and turn on your spouse and parent mentality when you are at home. You must be present for your wife and children, engage with them, and create a nurturing and supportive environment. Turning off the soldier mentality and treating your family with the utmost love, care and concern is key. And if you can learn to do this with your family, you can certainly learn to do this with your fellow soldiers in the same manner. 

family home


In conclusion, professional soldiering is a challenging profession that can make it tough to balance family life successfully. Military families face unique challenges, including long deployments, frequent relocations, and balancing soldiering duties with responsibilities as parents and spouses. However, by communicating openly, finding ways to stay connected, and creating a supportive environment at home, military men and women can successfully balance their professional and family lives. With these tips in mind, you can navigate the challenges of professional soldiering while leading your family with grace, love, and gentleness.

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Table of Contents
  1. Balancing Professional Soldiering and Family Life: The Challenges and Difficulties
    1. The Challenges of Professional Soldiering
  2. Balancing Professional Soldiering and Family Life
    1. Communication is Key
    2. Finding Ways to Stay Connected
    3. Creating a Supportive Environment at Home
  3. Conclusion
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