​The Power of Progress: How Motivation Follows Progress and Why Your 'Why' Matters

John Mar 23, 2023
37 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. The Power of Progress
    1. The Importance of Having a "Why"
    2. Developing Your "Why"
  2. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

Do you ever struggle with staying motivated when working towards a goal? Whether it's fitness, career, or personal development, many of us can relate to feeling discouraged or uninspired at times. However, research suggests that motivation actually follows progress, and having a strong "why" is essential for developing the discipline to begin and remain committed to your goal. In this article, we'll explore the connection between progress, motivation, and the importance of having a clear sense of purpose.


The Power of Progress

According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, progress is a key factor in sustaining motivation. The study found that individuals who made progress towards a goal were more likely to continue working towards that goal than those who didn't experience any progress. The researchers also noted that even small progress can have a significant impact on motivation and that setting achievable goals can help facilitate progress. So as you begin taking steps on your journey to meet any goal, celebrate small victories, learn what works or doesn’t work, and don’t be afraid to make small adjustments that keep you on course. 


The Importance of Having a "Why"

While progress is important, having a clear sense of purpose is also essential for developing the discipline to begin and remain committed to your goal. This sense of purpose is often referred to as a "why." Your "why" is the reason why you are working towards a particular goal, and it provides the emotional fuel needed to stay motivated when faced with challenges or setbacks.

Research suggests that having a strong "why" can improve goal attainment and overall well-being. A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that individuals who had a clear sense of purpose were more likely to achieve their goals and experience a greater sense of life satisfaction.


Developing Your "Why"

If you're struggling to develop a clear sense of purpose for your goal, there are a few strategies that can help. Start by reflecting on why this goal is important to you and what it will bring to your life. Consider the values that drive you and how this goal aligns with those values. Additionally, visualizing yourself achieving your goal and the benefits that come with it can help strengthen your "why." 

Get crystal clear on your goal(s) and develop a strong “why” to keep you on track. Many give up on their goal or stop trying when they encounter an obstacle or setback, rather than adjusting to changes and continuing on. Have a clear picture of where you’re going so that during times when you feel discouraged, you can visualize your objective and make necessary changes to continue making progress towards your goal. Remember that with consistency and focus, you will get there. 



Achieving a goal requires both progress and a strong sense of purpose. Progress is essential for sustaining motivation, while having a clear sense of purpose provides the emotional fuel needed to remain committed to your goal. By setting achievable goals, focusing on progress, and developing a strong "why," you can increase your motivation and improve your chances of success.

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Table of Contents
  1. The Power of Progress
    1. The Importance of Having a "Why"
    2. Developing Your "Why"
  2. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles