How To Create The Life That You Want In 1 Year

John Jul 13, 2023
15 People Read
relaxing on a sailboat

Everyone has dreams. Most of us have some sort of vision or ideal life we want to live. Some people actually get their plans down into writing and take steps to build the life they want. However, very few people actually achieve their goals of achieving their ideal life because they either get discouraged, easily quit, or don’t have a strong reason for wanting the kind of life they’re aiming for. 

To be perfectly honest, any person can achieve his or her dreams if he or she sets out to do so with the right attitude and focus. You don’t need to keep waiting for things to change before you decide to take action. Start taking actions today. Keep reading to learn how to create the life that you want in 1 year. 

black paved road surrounding by trees

Observe where you are now and do a life audit

A life audit is an assessment of your current situation. It’s a way for you to evaluate what you have achieved so far, and what you still need to do to get to where you want to go.

You may think that you know exactly where you are right now, but if you look at it objectively, you will probably find that there are areas of your life that you don’t like or that you wish were different. For example, maybe you feel stuck in a job that doesn’t pay enough money, or you’re unhappy with your relationship.

If you’ve been working on yourself for some time, then you should already have a pretty good idea about where you stand. If not, spend some time thinking about what you want and how you can get to where you want to be.

The first step is to identify the problem. You need to figure out why you aren’t happy with your current situation.

**Ask Yourself Questions Such As:**

What do I really want?

Why am I doing this?

Am I living up to my potential?

How do I measure success?

Is my life fulfilling me?

Are my relationships healthy?

Do I have any regrets?

Once you’ve identified the problem, you need to start looking for solutions. The next step is to brainstorm ideas and come up with ways to improve your situation. 

a person sitting on wooden planks across the lake scenery

Orient your mind accordingly with a mindset shift

Once you’ve done a life audit and identified the problem(s) or areas where you need to take action, the next step is to focus on creating a solution. But in order to help you work on creating solutions and making changes, you need to shift into a new mindset and adopt a long-term perspective.

When you take a look at things today and forecast your life and goals into the future (beginning with the end in mind), you might discover that the issues or problems of the day are just not that important for getting you to where you want or need to be. If what you think about won’t matter in 5 years, don’t give it 5 minutes of your attention. Keep the goal(s) in focus and the end state in mind.

The reason why I say this is because if you can keep the end result in mind at all times, then when you find yourself distracted by something else, you will have an easier time refocusing back to the task at hand that will help you take steps towards your goals. And once you’re focused again, you’ll realize that the distraction was nothing more than a minor annoyance.

So how do we go about shifting our mindsets? We start by thinking about the things we love doing and what makes us happy. Once we’ve thought about those things, we use them as a guide to create a vision. 

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Decide what you want and create the vision of it

Deciding what you want in your life and creating a vision is the next part. Professional athletes are great at visualizing success, and they work hard at what they do to achieve their successes in their sport. Get crystal clear on the vision of where you need to steer your life, and let all the distractions fall away.

**Steps for Creating Your Vision:**

1. Write down everything that’s important to you in your life. What activities bring you joy? What makes you feel good about yourself? What would make your life more meaningful? Make sure that this list includes both big-picture goals (such as “I want to be an author”) and smaller ones (“I will eat healthy meals 5 days per week”).

2. Now write down everything that you don’t like or dislike about your current situation. This could include things such as “My boss doesn’t appreciate me” or “The kids are always fighting.”

3. Next, think through how you can change each item on your list into something positive. For example, if you’re unhappy with the fact that you have no time to exercise, then instead of thinking, “I hate running,” imagine what it would be like to run every day. If you don’t like the way your job is structured, then instead of thinking about all the ways work sucks, visualize a new position where you get paid well to do exactly what you love doing.

When you’ve thought through all these changes, write down several things about daily changes you can implement for each area that you want to improve or change that you’d really like to see happen in your life. For example, if your goal is to improve your marriage or relationships, write down actionable steps that you can take daily that will get you closer to the goal. Maintain realistic expectations and don’t expect change to happen overnight or the results to be reciprocated immediately. Don’t get discouraged when they don’t. Remember, you need to be crystal clear on your vision, assess and reassess your actions, and continue to hold onto the vision of where you want to go while not getting sidetracked in the process.

man standing on mountain

Act on your plan with daily work

Now that you have an action plan from the detailed steps above, it’s time to go to work. In order to bring about the change you desire, you must work daily on those action items. Every day presents a new opportunity to put in place your plan of an ideal future in 1 year. By keeping your nose to the grindstone, not getting discouraged, avoiding negative people or feedback that is not helpful to you, and putting in the work, you will find yourself on the path to your envisioned life and where you want to be. But putting in the work is the most important part. If you find yourself distracted and take a day off from the daily work, you’re not moving further towards the goal. 

So what does this daily work entail, and how do you put your action steps into action? The answer to that is simple. You set aside time every day to complete each of the action steps. That means that for the next 365 days, you’ll spend focused time and energy working on these tasks. This may seem like a lot of time, but remember that there is no right way to achieve success. There are many different ways to get things done, so if you can figure out which method works best for you, then use that approach. Most importantly, don’t forget to stay focused. Keep your eyes on the prize, and continue to move forward with your plans.

The key here is to keep going. Don’t stop until you reach the end goal. Every day will require some action, and if you do not take action, then your goal just isn’t that important, or worse you are just too lazy to do anything about it. Don’t be weak and give up so easily. Remember if it’s that important to you, you will work on it.

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Follow the plan, but continue to reorient and adjust as needed

With any plan and its action steps, eventually you will encounter the place where vision meets reality. When this happens, ask yourself if this is an obstacle that you can work to overcome, or if there is an impossibility of overcoming the challenge? Remember that the battle is won or lost in the mind of the commander, so don’t be so quick to surrender, but rather you should instead focus on solutions to work through the challenge. This will require some time and patience. 

As Seth Godin writes about in “The Dip”, everyone that’s starting anything new will be motivated and energized at the beginning, but when the work becomes tedious and you are not receiving the feedback you expected, you will encounter “the dip.” This dip can feel like a long, lonely walk across a frozen tundra. You won’t like this feeling, and you may feel lost. However, you need to refocus on your plan, and push through “the dip” in order to break through to a new place where you start to realize your success. Giving up won’t get you to your destination. Doing the daily work over time with consistency and focus will get you there, regardless of how difficult the journey will become.

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Design your environment for success

If there are things, people, and other environmental factors that can pull you off the path or distract you from the goal, you need to develop ways to block those distractions from your life. Some things are just out of your control and there’s no getting around those things. You just need to keep a wary eye and be prepared to deal with those environmental distractions accordingly. But there are things that are totally within your control, and those are the things that you need to influence. 

Designing your environment for success is one of the keys to helping you achieve your new life in a year. For instance, if one of your goals is to get fit and save some money, you may need to do something radical, like cancel that Netflix subscription. By doing so, you’ll free up at least a half hour of your day or more which you can use to reinvest your time into working out, and you’ll save $192 in a year’s time. Another example might be that your goal is to eat healthier and reduce sweets. You can nip this problem in the bud by creating a healthy grocery list, purchasing only those nutritious items that you need for energy and health, and not bringing any junk food or sweets into the home. If you share a home with a wife and kids who don’t have the same goal as you and do love the junk food, candy and sweets, then you need to communicate your goals with them and ask that they store this junk food out of site and out of mind so that you’re less tempted to reach for it next time you develop a sweet tooth. 

male constructor drawing draft on paper roll

Learn new skills and improve upon your existing ones

At some point, we’re only capable of doing so much with our time and energy, but if you feel stuck on something and don’t quite understand why, perhaps you need to re-evaluate what the problem is and how you can overcome it. This may require some learning a new set of skills, reading a “how to” manual, watching a YouTube video, attending a night class, or consulting with a friend or colleague who has a certain set of skills. The point is that you must work to improve upon your skills and perhaps learn new ones that will help you get closer to the goal. If your time is already pressed and scheduled out to the hour, ask yourself if you can delegate certain activities or actions for a small price, and then find the person or team to take those on for you. But you need to try and work on figuring out the skill and put some time into learning the basics. After you’ve taken some action for developing the skills, you may find that it’s not as scary or difficult as it seemed. The key here is to take action learning the skills you need, and to not simply put it off because it’s challenging. 

photo of man reading a book

Enjoy the process

The journey of 10,000 miles begins with one step. The road may seem like, and the challenges many, but if you learn to enjoy the process while keeping the end in mind, you will be less likely to become distracted and veer off the path. Daily consistent action is key, and the more you make your action steps a habit, the more you will start to enjoy the journey as you begin to experience the small successes that come with it. 

But you will encounter challenges and hardships, you must continue to push through them as a beautiful breakthrough awaits at the end of those. Yes they’re uncomfortable, but you must hold the end state and vision in mind and not become discouraged. Real change only happens through growth, so experiencing the highs and the lows and recognizing each when they occur will help you appreciate the process. Learn to enjoy it, because when you reach your goals, it will make all of the hard work and challenges worth it, and you will be forever grateful that you decided to take action and achieved something that you doubted you could. Do it for yourself, and do it for those you love. It’s worth it. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I turn my life around in one year? 

A: Turning your life around in one year requires dedication, planning, and taking consistent action towards your goals. Here are some steps you can take to initiate positive change:

Set clear goals: 

Define what you want to achieve and break it down into smaller, manageable objectives.

Create a roadmap: 

Develop a strategic plan outlining the actions you need to take to reach your goals.

Take action: 

Start taking small steps towards your objectives every day. Consistency is key.

Surround yourself with positivity: 

Surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people who can encourage and motivate you.

Seek personal development: 

Invest in improving your skills, knowledge, and mindset through books, courses, or coaching.

Embrace a healthy lifestyle: 

Focus on physical and mental well-being by adopting habits like exercise, proper nutrition, and mindfulness practices.

Evaluate and adjust: 

Regularly review your progress, adjust your strategies if needed, and stay committed to your goals.

Remember, turning your life around is a process that requires patience and perseverance. For more guidance, you can visit the website Entrepreneur’s article on "10 Ways to Turn Your Life Around for the Better.

Q: How do I create the life I want? 

A: Creating the life you want involves understanding your desires, setting goals, and taking intentional action. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Identify your passions and values: 

Reflect on what truly matters to you and what brings you joy and fulfillment.

Set clear and specific goals: 

Define what you want to achieve in different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth.

Break it down: 

Divide your goals into smaller, achievable tasks or milestones to make them more manageable and trackable.

Take consistent action: 

Create a plan and take regular steps towards your goals. Focus on progress rather than perfection.

Cultivate a positive mindset: 

Believe in yourself, stay optimistic, and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

Seek support: 

Surround yourself with supportive and like-minded individuals who can inspire and encourage you along the way.

Stay flexible and adapt: 

Be open to adjusting your plans as circumstances change or new opportunities arise.

For more guidance on creating the life you want, you can visit Jack Canfield’s website article on "7 Steps for Creating the Life You Want.

Q: How do you create a life you can't wait to wake up to? 

A: Creating a life you can't wait to wake up to involves aligning your actions and aspirations with your values and passions. Here's a step-by-step approach:

Define your vision: 

Imagine and clarify the ideal life you want to live. What activities, people, and accomplishments would make it fulfilling?

Set meaningful goals: 

Break down your vision into specific, actionable goals that resonate with your passions and values.

Prioritize self-care: 

Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being by practicing self-care activities that energize and rejuvenate you.

Design your routine: 

Craft a daily routine that includes activities that bring you joy, purpose, and personal growth. Make time for your passions and hobbies.

Surround yourself with positivity: 

Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. Minimize exposure to negativity and seek supportive relationships.

Practice gratitude: 

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by regularly acknowledging and appreciating the positive aspects of your life.

Embrace new experiences: 

Step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Embracing novelty can bring excitement and a sense of fulfillment.

To explore more strategies for creating a life you can't wait to wake up to, you can visit the Becoming Minimalist website article on "How to Craft a Life You Don't Need to Escape From."

Q: How do you change your life when you don't know where to start? 

A: Changing your life when you don't know where to start can feel overwhelming, but with a few steps, you can find direction and begin your transformation:

Reflect on your values and desires: 

Spend time understanding what truly matters to you and what you want to achieve or experience in life.

Start with small changes: 

Begin by making small adjustments to your daily routine or habits. Focus on one area of your life at a time.

Set achievable goals: 

Break down your larger aspirations into smaller, manageable goals that you can work towards.

Seek inspiration and guidance: 

Look for books, podcasts, or websites that provide guidance and inspiration for personal growth and change.

Surround yourself with support: 

Find a mentor, join a community, or connect with like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement and accountability.

Embrace learning and experimentation: 

Be open to trying new things, exploring different paths, and learning from both successes and failures.

Celebrate progress: 

Acknowledge and celebrate each step forward, no matter how small. It will motivate you to keep going.

For further advice on changing your life when you don't know where to start, you can visit Brain World’s website article on "Feeling Stuck? 10 Steps from the ‘Now’ to the ‘New’ You."

Q: How do I find my purpose? 

A: Finding your purpose is a personal journey that requires self-reflection and exploration. Here are some steps to help you discover your purpose:

Reflect on your passions: 

Consider the activities, topics, or causes that genuinely ignite your enthusiasm and interest.

Identify your strengths: 

Determine what you excel at and what comes naturally to you. Your purpose often aligns with your innate talents.

Explore different areas: 

Try new experiences, hobbies, or volunteering opportunities to broaden your horizons and gain insights into what resonates with you.

Consider your values: 

Reflect on the principles and values that are important to you. Your purpose should align with your core beliefs.

Pay attention to what brings you joy: 

Notice the moments when you feel most fulfilled and alive. These experiences can provide clues about your purpose.

Seek inspiration from others: 

Read books, listen to podcasts, or engage with individuals who have found their purpose. Their stories may offer valuable insights.

Embrace the journey: 

Understand that discovering your purpose is a process. Be patient, open-minded, and willing to learn about yourself along the way.

To delve deeper into finding your purpose, you can visit the Happier Human website article on "5 Simple Steps to Find Your Life Purpose."

Q: What are the 7 steps to success in life? 

A: Success in life is subjective, but here are seven general steps that can help you on your path to achieving personal success:

Set clear goals:

Define what success means to you and establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

Develop a plan:

Create a roadmap or action plan to guide your journey towards your goals. Break it down into smaller steps.

Take consistent action:

Act on your plan consistently, persistently working towards your goals, and staying committed to your vision.

Cultivate self-discipline:

Develop self-discipline and the ability to prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and stay focused.

Learn and adapt:

Continuously seek knowledge, learn from experiences, and be open to adapting your strategies as needed.

Build a support network:

Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who can provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability.

Embrace resilience:

Success often involves setbacks and challenges. Cultivate resilience, bounce back from failures, and stay determined despite obstacles.

For more insights into achieving success in life, you can visit Brian Tracy’s website article on "Seven Steps to Success."

Q: How do I start truly living my life? 

A: Starting to truly live your life involves embracing authenticity, self-discovery, and mindful living. Here's a roadmap to help you embark on that journey:

Practice self-reflection:

Take time to reflect on your values, desires, and aspirations. Understand what truly matters to you and what brings you joy.

Let go of expectations:

Release the pressure of societal expectations or comparisons with others. Embrace who you are and what makes you unique.

Take risks:

Step out of your comfort zone and pursue activities or experiences that excite and challenge you. Embrace new opportunities.

Live in the present moment:

Practice mindfulness and focus on being fully present in each moment. Engage in activities with your complete attention.

Follow your passions:

Discover and pursue activities that bring you a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy. Prioritize your passions in your life.

Surround yourself with positive influences:

Build relationships with people who support and inspire you. Minimize exposure to negativity or toxic influences.

Embrace self-care:

Prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Take care of yourself through activities that promote self-care and rejuvenation.

For additional guidance on starting to truly live your life, you can visit LifeHack’s website article on "How to Live Your Best Life Starting Today."

Q: How can I change my life from bad to good? 

A: Transforming your life from a negative state to a positive one requires determination and focused action. Here are steps to help you change your life for the better:

Identify areas for improvement:

Assess different aspects of your life, such as relationships, health, career, or personal development, and determine what needs to change.

Set positive goals:

Define clear goals that represent what you want to achieve or experience in those areas. Make them specific, realistic, and measurable.

Take responsibility:

Acknowledge that you have the power to change your circumstances. Take ownership of your actions and decisions moving forward.

Develop an action plan:

Break down your goals into actionable steps and create a plan to achieve them. Set deadlines and hold yourself accountable.

Seek support:

Reach out to trusted friends, family, or professionals who can provide guidance, encouragement, or assistance on your journey.

Cultivate a positive mindset:

Replace negative self-talk and limiting beliefs with positive affirmations and a growth mindset. Focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

Embrace self-care:

Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Practice self-compassion and engage in activities that bring you joy.

To explore more strategies for changing your life from bad to good, you can visit the website Ladder’s article on "7 Ways to Turn Your Life Around When Everything Falls Apart."

Q: What age can you change your life? 

A: You can change your life at any age. There is no specific age limit for personal growth, transformation, or pursuing new opportunities. Whether you're young, middle-aged, or in your senior years, change is always possible. Here are a few key considerations:

Mindset matters:

Cultivate a growth mindset that believes in the potential for change and personal development at any age.

Embrace lifelong learning:

Continuously seek knowledge, skills, and experiences that can help you evolve and adapt to new circumstances.

Take small steps:

Break down your goals into manageable actions, regardless of your age. Incremental progress can lead to significant change over time.

Leverage your experiences:

The experiences and wisdom you've gained throughout your life can be valuable assets for making positive changes.

Seek support:

Reach out to mentors, coaches, or peers who can provide guidance, accountability, and encouragement as you embark on your journey.

Focus on what's within your control:

While certain life circumstances may be beyond your control, focus on the aspects you can influence and take action accordingly.

Remember, change is a personal choice, and it's never too late to start shaping the life you desire.

For further insights into embracing change at any age, you can visit the Marc & Angel website's article on "10 Ways to Change Your Life at Any Age."

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