​Boost Your Energy Levels: 5 Science-Backed Tips for Men to Wake Up Alert and Energized

John Mar 31, 2023
4 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. 5 Science-Backed Tips for Alertness and Energy Upon Waking
    1. Drink Water
    2. Exercise
    3. Take a Cold Shower
    4. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast
    5. Practice Deep Breathing
  2. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

As men, we can sometimes find ourselves waking up tired and groggy, making it difficult to start the day with energy and focus. However, there are some immediate things you can do to help you become alert and energized early in the day. These tips are backed by scientific evidence and can help you feel more alert and energized in no time.

5 Science-Backed Tips for Alertness and Energy Upon Waking


  1. Drink Water

Drinking water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to become alert and energized early in the day. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that mild dehydration can lead to fatigue and decreased cognitive function. Drinking water as soon as you wake up can help rehydrate your body and boost your energy levels. Consume 16 ounces of ice-cold water to provide a sudden jolt to your body and enhance metabolism.


  1. Exercise

Exercise is another great way to increase your energy levels and become more alert. A study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology found that exercise can improve cognitive function and increase energy levels. Even a short 10-15 minute workout can help wake you up and get your day started on the right foot. Learn about a sustainable exercise routine to keep you going and ward off low-energy days.

If you’re pressed for time, aim for a mix of compound, high-intensity body weight exercises. Alternate between squats, push-ups, planks, lunges, and jumping jacks for 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds of rest. Repeat for 10-15 minutes. This will boost your heartrate, get your muscles primed, and maybe even get you to break a sweat. Cool down with some gentle stretches followed by another 8 ounces of ice cold water. 

cold shower

  1. Take a Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower in the morning can help increase your energy levels and wake you up. A study published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health found that cold water immersion can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which can increase your heart rate and blood pressure, helping you feel more alert and energized. Start with one minute, then gradually work your way to 5 minutes for the greatest benefit.


  1. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast

Eating a nutritious breakfast is crucial for maintaining energy levels throughout the day. A study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that consuming a high-protein breakfast can help reduce feelings of fatigue and increase energy levels. Foods that are high in protein and complex carbohydrates, such as eggs and whole-grain bread, can help keep you feeling full and energized for longer. 

deep breathing

  1. Practice Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises can help increase oxygen levels in your body, which can help you feel more alert and energized. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that deep breathing exercises can improve cognitive function and reduce feelings of fatigue. Try taking a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth to help wake up your body and mind.

morning energy


These science-backed tips can help you become alert and energized early in the day. By incorporating them into your morning routine, you can start your day off on the right foot and perform at your best. Try them out and see how they can help improve your overall energy levels and productivity.

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Table of Contents
  1. 5 Science-Backed Tips for Alertness and Energy Upon Waking
    1. Drink Water
    2. Exercise
    3. Take a Cold Shower
    4. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast
    5. Practice Deep Breathing
  2. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles