Sleep Better Tonight: 10 Scientifically-Backed Tips for a Perfect Night’s Sleep

John Mar 19, 2023
2 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Health Problems From Trouble Sleeping
  2. Health Benefits Of Proper Sleep
  3. 10 Scientifically-Backed Tips to Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep
    1. 1. Set a sleep schedule and stick to it
    2. 2. Exercise regularly
    3. 3. Avoid caffeine late in the day as it leads to trouble falling asleep
    4. 4. Avoid large meals late in the day
    5. 5. Keep naps short and early in the day
    6. 6. Avoid alcohol before bed
    7. 7. Avoid bright lights in the evening and instead opt for warm, soft light
    8. 8. Take a warm bath or shower 90 minutes before sleep
    9. 9. Take an all-natural sleep supplement
    10. 10. Establish the right sleep environment with a comfortable bedroom, mattress, and pillow
  4. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night? Do you find yourself tossing and turning, or waking up in the middle of the night unable to fall back asleep? If so, don't worry – you're not alone. According to the CDC, about one-third of American adults reported experiencing sleep problems every single night. Lack of sleep can lead to all sorts of health problems physically, mentally, and emotionally. In this blog post, we will discuss the health problems of a lack of sleep, the health benefits of a full night's rest, and the 10 scientifically-backed tips for getting a perfect night's sleep!

chronic fatigue

Health Problems From Trouble Sleeping

Sleep deprivation can lead to a range of serious problems. Poor sleep contributes to chronic fatigue, weight gain, weakened immunity, decreased alertness and concentration, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, as well as an increased risk of accidents.


The amount of recommended sleep for an individual varies, but most adults should aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night according to the National Sleep Foundation. Those who fall short of this may find themselves feeling tired during the day or having difficulty concentrating at work or school. This can have an impact not only on their well-being but also on their obligations and relationships.


For instance, relationships become frayed when a sleep-deprived person becomes moody, depressed, irritable, and/or anxious. This sleep-deprived person may have a negative emotional reaction toward others rather than having a clear-headed emotionally intelligent response. This is an early sign of burnout, to which a lack of restful sleep is a major contributor according to one scientific study.


It is important to recognize the signs of sleep deprivation and take steps to ensure that you are getting enough sleep each night. Note, sleep disorders are common, and its best to seek professional help from a mental health professional to rule out any sleep problems that are beyond your control.

proper night's rest

Health Benefits Of Proper Sleep

Sleep is essential for people to be at their best and improve their overall health and well-being. Scientifically-backed evidence proves that deep sleep, also known as rapid-eye-movement (or REM) sleep), is the most beneficial form of rest. Deep sleep helps the body heal, enhance its immune system, boost energy levels, sharpen our minds, and regulate hormones that affect mood.


Getting a sufficient amount of sleep can help people stay energetic throughout the day, think clearly, make better decisions, manage stress more effectively, and even lose weight more easily. The CDC recommends at least 7 hours or more sleep per night for optimal functioning in adults aged 18 and older. However, some need slightly less or more sleep depending on individual needs, like school-aged children who need considerably more for healthy growth and development.


For an activity that we spend a third of our life doing, it is important to make sleep a priority. A healthy sleep routine can lead to a healthier lifestyle overall and help people become the best version of themselves. By dedicating yourself to a regular sleep pattern, you can enjoy the scientifically-backed benefits of deep sleep for improved health and well-being.


10 Scientifically-Backed Tips to Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep

Sleep is essential for everyone yet often elusive for many. Lack of sleep can have serious consequences on health, productivity, and emotional well-being. Fortunately, there are simple steps that everyone can take to help ensure they get the sleep they need. These ten tips will help you create a sleep routine that works for your lifestyle and leaves you feeling rested and energized.

1. Set a sleep schedule and stick to it

A sleep schedule helps your body get into the rhythm of sleeping and waking up at the same time each day. This makes it easier for you to sleep soundly throughout the night since you'll be used to going to bed and rising at the same time every day. Additionally, scientific evidence shows that people who sleep at the same time every day may find it easier to wake up in the morning and get their bodies into a natural circadian.


To restore your sleep cycle, try to get bright light or sunlight within half an hour of waking and then throughout the day. This will help synchronize your body clock with the 24-hour day-night cycle, allowing you to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. This can also improve your quality of sleep since your body is used to the sleep schedule you set for it.

sleep time

2. Exercise regularly

Exercise is known to help people sleep better as it can reduce stress levels and make your body more tired when it's time for sleep. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity a few times a week, such as brisk walking, jogging, biking, or swimming preferably in the morning according to the science. It's important to note that physical activity within 3 hours of bedtime can make sleep difficult. So plan your exercise routine accordingly and finish up early enough to give yourself time to wind down before sleep.


Regular exercise can help improve overall cardiovascular health, which can also have positive effects on sleep. Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body, allowing oxygen and nutrients to be more easily transported and sleep-inducing hormones to be released. This can help you feel more relaxed, leading to a better night's sleep. So make sure to include physical activity in your daily routine!

morning exercise

3. Avoid caffeine late in the day as it leads to trouble falling asleep

Caffeine is a stimulant that can make it difficult for you to sleep later in the evening. Try to avoid caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, and energy drinks after 2 pm. That way, you can ensure that your sleep schedule won’t be disrupted. Drinking plenty of water and other fluids throughout the day can help you feel more alert and energized. If you’re feeling sluggish, try drinking a glass of ice-cold water or decaffeinated iced coffee to get your energy levels back up.


4. Avoid large meals late in the day

Eating too much late at night can disrupt your circadian rhythm according to one study. Try to have dinner at least three hours before sleep for optimal digestion. Eating too close to sleep can increase body heat and make it difficult for the body to cool down before sleep. As the body’s temperature normally drops 1-2 degrees to initiate sleep, increasing one's core temperature due to digestion is not ideal. Avoiding large meals late at night can help one achieve quality sleep.


Incorporating sleep-promoting foods into one’s diet can help to induce sleep on a more consistent basis. This includes foods rich in magnesium, such as whole grains, beans, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. Foods containing tryptophan, like dairy products, red meat, soybeans, chicken, fish, and especially turkey can also help to promote sleep. Bananas are also a good sleep-promoting snack due to the combination of magnesium and tryptophan. Eating complex carbohydrates, such as rice or sweet potatoes at dinner can also lead to deeper sleep by releasing serotonin into the body.


5. Keep naps short and early in the day

While taking a power nap during the day can be beneficial for some people, it's important to keep it short – no more than 30 minutes – as too much sleep during the day can make it difficult to sleep at night. It's best to take a nap before 2 PM, as napping later in the day can interfere with a sleep schedule. Additionally, if someone finds that they're unable to sleep at night after taking a power nap during the day, it might be best for them to avoid napping altogether.


6. Avoid alcohol before bed

While a glass of wine may help you relax in the evening, too much alcohol before bed will disrupt your sleep. People who drink alcohol, especially in high quantities, tend to sleep more shallowly and wake up more frequently throughout the night. Limit yourself to one drink in the evening, if any at all.


7. Avoid bright lights in the evening and instead opt for warm, soft light

The blue light emitted from electronic screens can affect our sleep cycles by suppressing melatonin production and making us feel less sleepy at night. To ensure a good night's sleep, turn off all electronics – including TVs, phones, and tablets – at least an hour before bedtime. This will help your body and mind wind down, preparing you for sleep. Making this a regular part of your sleep routine can help reinforce your sleep cycle habits, allowing your body to naturally adjust its circadian rhythm to get the proper sleep you need. Investing in a good dusk-to-dawn plug-in night light system in the home is a great way to keep the bright lights off at night if you have to get out of bed.


Bright lights can stimulate our brains, making us more alert and making sleep more difficult. To adopt healthy sleep habits in the evening, turn off all bright lights and opt for warmer, softer lighting at night. This sends signals to your brain that it's time for sleep, allowing you to drift off faster and sleep more soundly at bedtime. By creating a sleep-friendly atmosphere in the evening, you can ensure yourself a good night's rest every night.

warm light

8. Take a warm bath or shower 90 minutes before sleep

Taking a warm bath or shower 90 minutes before bed can help relax the body and prepare it for sleep. It also increases body temperature, which falls during sleep, further promoting sleepiness up to 10 minutes quicker according to one clinical review. Add some calming essential oils such as lavender drops to your bath or lavender spray to your shower to further enhance the sleep-inducing effects and establish a great relaxing bedtime routine.

warm shower

9. Take an all-natural sleep supplement

Many all-natural sleep supplements help to promote sleep by targeting certain sleep-inducing hormones and neurotransmitters in the body. Some of the more popular and cutting-edge all-natural sleep supplements for promoting both falling asleep and staying asleep include the following:

  • 200-500mg Magnesium Glycinate - a mineral and amino acid that helps relax the body and reduce stress levels

  • 50mg Apigenin - a type of plant flavonoid that triggers progressive muscle relaxation and sedation

  • 100-200mg 5-HTP - an essential amino acid that increases serotonin production in the brain to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep

  • 100-400mg L-Theanine - an amino acid that promotes falling asleep more quickly and easily

  • 2g of Glycine - an amino acid that increases serotonin to help you fall asleep more quickly

  • 100mg GABA - an amino acid that increases sleepiness by calming the nervous system

  • 1-2g of Inositol - a plant-based sugar to aid sleep and calm anxiety by activating the serotonin and orexin pathways in the brain

  • 3-5g of Melatonin - a hormone that resets the sleep cycle and helps with the body's timing of its circadian rhythm

When selecting sleep supplements, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider first as certain medications may interact with sleep supplements. It is also important to practice sleep hygiene and to create a healthy sleep environment for sleep supplements to be effective. Unlike prescription sleep medicine, all-natural sleep supplements are a safer alternative to help you get the sleep you need.

wake up

10. Establish the right sleep environment with a comfortable bedroom, mattress, and pillow

Creating the right sleep environment is essential for falling asleep fast and staying asleep throughout the night.


Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. Blackout curtains may be necessary to block out light, while a white noise machine like a fan will help mask any noises from outside of the bedroom like street traffic or the neighbors next door.


It's also important to have a comfortable pillow, bedding, and especially a mattress that gives you proper support and comfort, fits your sleep position(s) and eliminates common and unique sleep problems.

Related: Find the Perfect Mattress With This Handy Guide


Upgrade your sleep with brilliant comfort and luxurious cooling from Ghostbed (great for couples, hot sleepers, and all position types). Find the perfect mattress for you by taking the Ghostbed mattress quiz HERE.

Or check out the best hybrid mattress from Leesa for better quality sleep with their many options for addressing common and unique sleep problems. Need help deciding? Take the Leesa mattress quiz HERE and get matched to the perfect mattress for you!

Taking the time to create a sleep environment that is conducive to sleep can make all the difference when it comes to getting quality sleep. For an activity that you should spend a third of your life doing, why not invest in quality and value to get the most out of the sleep routine that leaves you feeling energized, awake, and ready to live your best life every day?


Sleep is vitally important for people's health and well-being but often sleep can be elusive. However, the sleep strategy recommended in this article will help people fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night. These sleep tips range from sleep hygiene practices such as avoiding electronics in the bedroom, exercise, relaxation techniques, natural sleep aids such as supplements and essential oils, and establishing the right sleep environment with a comfortable mattress and pillow. By putting to practice these recommendations, anyone can establish good sleep habits that will lead to better sleep quality. So what are you waiting for? Start sleeping your way to optimal health today!

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Table of Contents
  1. Health Problems From Trouble Sleeping
  2. Health Benefits Of Proper Sleep
  3. 10 Scientifically-Backed Tips to Fall Asleep and Stay Asleep
    1. 1. Set a sleep schedule and stick to it
    2. 2. Exercise regularly
    3. 3. Avoid caffeine late in the day as it leads to trouble falling asleep
    4. 4. Avoid large meals late in the day
    5. 5. Keep naps short and early in the day
    6. 6. Avoid alcohol before bed
    7. 7. Avoid bright lights in the evening and instead opt for warm, soft light
    8. 8. Take a warm bath or shower 90 minutes before sleep
    9. 9. Take an all-natural sleep supplement
    10. 10. Establish the right sleep environment with a comfortable bedroom, mattress, and pillow
  4. Conclusion
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