The Dangers of Added Sugar: How it Sabotages Your Health and Fitness Goals

John Mar 20, 2023
0 People Read
eating sweets
Table of Contents
  1. Sugar Disrupts the Body
    1. Sugar Sabotages Your Health
    2. How To Break A Sugar Addiction
  2. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

The growing trend of processed, packaged, and fast foods has caused an increase in added sugar consumption over the past few decades. Unfortunately, added sugar sabotages our health and fitness goals as it can lead to weight gain, an array of chronic illnesses, fatigue, mood swings, and even depression.

added sugar

Sugar Disrupts the Body

The body processes added sugar differently than natural sugars that are found in fruits and other whole foods. Added sugars are digested quickly by the body and cause a spike in insulin which contributes to fat storage in the abdomen. Furthermore, excess intake of added sugar leads to chronically elevated levels of blood glucose which can cause or exacerbate type 2 diabetes. Additionally, digestive troubles such as bloating, cramping, and constipation can arise due to high intakes of sugar.


Sugar Sabotages Your Health

It's also notable that sugar consumption is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease due to its effects on inflammation levels in the body. Furthermore, while consuming table sugar or candy won't make you physically dependent on it, it’s common for people who eat a lot of sugary treats to develop a psychological addiction to them. This reduces their ability to resist temptation when presented with unhealthy options—leading to further weight gain or a decrease in physical activity levels that negate any health gains from dieting alone.


How To Break A Sugar Addiction

Fortunately, there are steps we can take when attempting to break the cycle of sugary cravings:

  • Limit highly processed or sugary snacks—instead, opt for lean proteins and complex carbohydrates (such as fruits & vegetables)

  • Avoid artificial sweeteners; some studies suggest they may lead to increased cravings for sweet foods

  • Eat regular meals throughout the day; this helps avoid drastic spikes/drops in blood glucose levels

  • Manage stress levels as much as possible; this helps reduce cortisol levels which are known contributors to cravings

  • Get adequate sleep every night; this improves energy levels during the day so you're less likely to "need" a snack

  • Ensure you're getting enough fiber each day; fiber helps keep your appetite regulated by making you feel fuller and longer

fitness man


By following these tips, you should be able to reduce your reliance on added sugars while improving your overall nutrition profile - leading you closer to your goal of improved health & fitness!

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Table of Contents
  1. Sugar Disrupts the Body
    1. Sugar Sabotages Your Health
    2. How To Break A Sugar Addiction
  2. Conclusion
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