Discover The Benefits Of A Growth Mindset And How To Develop One

John Mar 15, 2023
8 People Read
looking up at the night sky
Table of Contents
  1. Fixed Vs Growth Mindset
    1. Advantages of a Growth Mindset
    2. Drawbacks of a Fixed Mindset
  2. Freedom Found in a Growth Mindset
    1. Practical Steps for Developing a Growth Mindset
  3. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

Having the right mindset can help you achieve your goals. Whether someone is gifted or not doesn’t matter in determining success, according to Dr. Carol S. Dweck, a pioneer in the field of mindset research. What matters is whether the person believes they can accomplish their goals. 

This article will shed light on how you can discover the benefits of a growth mindset and how to develop one.


Fixed Vs Growth Mindset

A person with a fixed mindset is often blocked from achieving their goals. This person believes that their intelligence and abilities are preordained, limited, and unable to improve. Even though they usually recognize the benefits of education and training, they are often incapable of imagining a radically different future or expanding their horizons. This person believes that they have certain positive and negative attributes that are determined at birth and remain the same throughout life.

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is constantly working to expand, hone, and enhance all innate skills and abilities, as well as those gained over time. Those with a growth mindset can, with time, effort, and practice, develop and improve skills and abilities, allowing them to accomplish things previously thought impossible. You don’t merely believe this, you live it. As Henry Ford said, ‘Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are correct.’

According to Ford, the belief that you can’t do something is the thing that hinders you the most. He didn’t invent the phrase ‘fixed mindset,’ but he would have if it had been around at the time. He also might have identified a fixed mindset as a catalyst for unhappiness.

happy man

Advantages of a Growth Mindset

With a growth mindset, people are more likely to approach problems, accept feedback, and learn from mistakes. Those with a growth mindset enjoy learning new things and thus persistently seek solutions. This helps people be more creative because they persistently seek solutions.

Someone with a growth mindset will not be threatened by the intelligence and success of others; rather, they will admire others, learn from them, and find inspiration in their successes. Having a growth mindset, they will focus on improving rather than safeguarding themselves. I wrote about this in "Why Giving Is Better Than Receiving To Succeed.” A growth mindset will help you learn to be a giver, rather than a receiver, or worse, a taker.

joyful man

Drawbacks of a Fixed Mindset

The stakes of success or failure are dramatically heightened by the ego’s need to protect itself, making it more likely that people with a fixed mindset will avoid learning situations, give up easily, and see little value in striving toward goals. For example, in a class, the ego’s drive to protect itself makes it less important to learn and more important to prove that they already know the answers. Individuals with a fixed mindset are more reluctant to confront challenges, give up easily, and see little value in striving for goals.

hopeless man

Freedom Found in a Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset rather than limiting beliefs allows you to reach your full potential and remain in line with your values. Everything is possible with this freedom. With it, you have the courage and motivation to strive, fail, and strive again.

Those who experience this type of freedom believe they can change not only their own lives but also the lives of others. They see things as being dynamic rather than static.

growth mindset

Practical Steps for Developing a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is something you can develop through practice, determination, and effort, and it is also the result of lifelong experiences, observations, and education. Here are some steps you can take to develop a growth mindset:

  1. You must believe that you are capable of achieving your goals. Create daily mantras or similar devices to reinforce this belief. It may be challenging to convince yourself of this, but by remembering the reward—increased growth and success—you may do so.

  1. You must acknowledge that you are responsible for your future and exploiting your innate abilities and skills. Whenever you hear yourself blaming something or someone, take a step back, accept your responsibility, identify the lesson, and move on. Accept your responsibility for your shortcomings.

  1. Those seeking to change must also be inquisitive. Be amazed at how much you don’t know. It’s not a reason for fear or shame, but for excitement. Seek more information and follow up by asking questions.

  1. It’s crucial to try and fail, again and again, even if that discomfort is unpleasant. Every setback is a stepping stone toward success. I don’t think I must remind you of how many prominent people suffered early setbacks and then went on to become leaders, effectors, and icons. Try, fail, learn and keep trying with an improved understanding. If you fail again, keep trying, and eventually you will succeed.

  1. Many of us use our comfort zone as a sanctuary, a place where we can retreat from difficulties. Leave your comfort zone and become comfortable operating outside it. “Free from challenges” implies “free from development” in many cases. Push yourself and develop.

  1. It is true that results are often what matter, but don’t forget to reward yourself for your efforts. Remember that process is crucial when things get tough. When you’ve done your utmost, you should reward yourself.

  2. When you see someone else’s triumph, picture yourself using it as a template for future achievement rather than wishing that you had accomplished the very same thing. Stay away from the green-eyed monster, envy. Use admiration as a tool to help you reach your goals.

  1. You should not let your ego’s protection prevent you from being happier and more successful. If you have a growth mindset, you will be pushed into areas where you feel less comfortable, less accomplished, and more frightened. Listening to your ego leads to a path to mediocrity, but it doesn’t have to be like this. If you want to succeed and excel, you must challenge your ego, limiting beliefs, and assumed limitations. And you just may learn that you enjoy the process of learning to overcome your limiting beliefs on your growth journey.

man mountaintop


Having a growth mindset can be improved considerably by applying these simple strategies. Cultivate the self-belief by doing something outside your comfort zone, learn from your experiences and failures, keep trying and celebrate your small successes along the way. These small successes will eventually lead to major ones. Remain focused on your reason why, and stay consistent in your application, and success will come. Removing your fixed mindset and replacing it with a growth mindset opens up the paths for success in every aspect of your life.

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Table of Contents
  1. Fixed Vs Growth Mindset
    1. Advantages of a Growth Mindset
    2. Drawbacks of a Fixed Mindset
  2. Freedom Found in a Growth Mindset
    1. Practical Steps for Developing a Growth Mindset
  3. Conclusion
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