Disciplining Tweens: Behavior and Heart Transformation

John Jun 09, 2023
2 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. When Discipline Meets Heart Transformation: A Guide for Parents of Pre-Teens
    1. The Rollercoaster of Pre-Teen Behavior: Understanding the Journey
  2. Section 1: The Turbulence of Pre-Teen Behavior
    1. Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding Pre-Teen Behavior
  3. Section 2: The Art of Discipline and Behavior Change
    1. Guiding Stars: Establishing Clear Expectations and Boundaries
    2. Lighting the Way: Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement
    3. In the midst of challenging behavior, it's easy to overlook the moments of brilliance and progress our pre-teens display. Acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments, no matter how small, strengthens their self-esteem and motivates them to continue making positive choices. Let us shower them with genuine praise, rewards, and quality time together, illuminating their journey with love and encouragement.
  4. Section 3: Unveiling the Heart: Biblical Instruction and Transformation
    1. The Power Within: Teaching Biblical Values
    2. Leading by Example: The Legacy We Leave
    3. The Power of Prayer: Nurturing the Soul
  5. Section 4: The Journey Continues: Cultivating Lasting Change
    1. Empowering Through Personal Bible Study
    2. Embracing the Imperfect Progress
  6. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

When Discipline Meets Heart Transformation: A Guide for Parents of Pre-Teens

When my pre-teen (tween) son got in trouble the other day, his mother and I had to decide the most suitable form of discipline. While correcting the behavior is always the end state of discipline, the greater goal is empathy and to help him understand the nature of his heart and why he acted out in the manner that got him in trouble in the first place. So we decided to put him in “time out” the rest of the day in his room, remove some privileges for a time, and talk to him about how we should respond in love rather than hastily react, and why that’s important. 


The Rollercoaster of Pre-Teen Behavior: Understanding the Journey

Parenting pre-teens is an exhilarating yet challenging rollercoaster ride. As our beloved children transition from childhood to adolescence, they embark on a transformative journey filled with physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. They yearn for independence while still seeking guidance and structure. In this blog post, we will embark on this incredible journey together, exploring effective strategies that go beyond traditional discipline. We will delve into the depths of their hearts, combining discipline techniques with biblical guidance, to bring about profound and lasting change.


Section 1: The Turbulence of Pre-Teen Behavior

Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding Pre-Teen Behavior

As parents, it's natural to feel bewildered and even frustrated when faced with the perplexing behavior of pre-teens. They may push boundaries, test limits, and exhibit mood swings that leave us questioning our parenting skills. This was apparent in my wife’s frantic phone call to me, in which her voice conveyed frustration, sadness and grief at our son’s recent disciplinary event at school. But in these situations, cool heads prevail, and I reassured her that we’d deal with it together and appropriately. I share this because when faced with the question of what to do next, don’t question your parenting, but rather focus on how best to deal with the situation at hand. Do not fear, dear parents, for beneath the surface lies a world of transformation waiting to be nurtured in your tween (and maybe even us parents as we journey through this season of life). 

pre teen

Section 2: The Art of Discipline and Behavior Change

Guiding Stars: Establishing Clear Expectations and Boundaries

Discipline is not about exerting control, but rather guiding our children towards becoming responsible, compassionate individuals. Setting clear expectations and boundaries is a crucial step on this path. Communicate openly and consistently with your pre-teen, ensuring they understand the rules and consequences. Remember, through this process, we are shaping their behavior while fostering a deeper connection.

By enforcing an uncomfortable period of time in isolation for a day, removing some privileges, and talking with my son about expectations and proper behavior, he clearly understood how every action or inaction of his results in consequences. In this case, his negative actions resulted in a ‘painful’ consequence with his time out and lost privileges. 

Lighting the Way: Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement

In the midst of challenging behavior, it's easy to overlook the moments of brilliance and progress our pre-teens display. Acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments, no matter how small, strengthens their self-esteem and motivates them to continue making positive choices. Let us shower them with genuine praise, rewards, and quality time together, illuminating their journey with love and encouragement.

When our son came to his mother and I to express remorse and a desire to restore what was broken, we could see that his apology was genuine and sincere. We heaped praise on him with hugs, and lots of love and grace. He came to see the role of doing things the right way versus doing things the wrong way, and his mother and I were directly responsible for guiding him to draw this conclusion for himself. 

family at home

Section 3: Unveiling the Heart: Biblical Instruction and Transformation

The Power Within: Teaching Biblical Values

Beyond behavior modification, we yearn for our pre-teens to develop a strong moral compass and a heart grounded in faith. Biblical instruction serves as a guiding light, imparting timeless values that shape character. Through engaging discussions, share stories and teachings that exemplify kindness, respect, forgiveness, and empathy. Let us illuminate their hearts with the wisdom and compassion found within sacred scriptures.

As the father and spiritual leader in the home, I try to share scripture with my son every day to offer him something to think about or consider in situations he may experience in the day. Sometimes just reading a Bible verse or three from the book of Proverbs is enough to provide him with the spiritual guidance he may need for that day. Now as a father, if you can back up the reading of scriptures with prayer and modeling your conduct in an exemplary manner, you’ve got the perfect recipe for showing your tween “the way.” Afterall, our children will copy us and do what we do, so set the example in this manner. 

Leading by Example: The Legacy We Leave

As parents, we are the living embodiment of the values we wish to instill in our children. Our actions speak louder than words, and our pre-teens are watching us closely. Let us lead by example, demonstrating integrity, forgiveness, and compassion in our everyday lives. By doing so, we inspire them to walk on a path of righteousness, guided by the love and grace that flows through our actions.

The Power of Prayer: Nurturing the Soul

In our pursuit of heart transformation, we must not underestimate the power of prayer. Encourage your pre-teen to develop a personal relationship with God through prayer. Pray together, pouring out your hopes, fears, and dreams. Through prayer, we create a sacred space where their hearts can be molded, and their souls find solace in the divine presence.

family outdoors

Section 4: The Journey Continues: Cultivating Lasting Change

Empowering Through Personal Bible Study

To truly nurture lasting change, encourage your pre-teen to embark on a personal journey of discovery through Bible study. Provide age-appropriate devotionals and study materials that allow them to delve deeper into the teachings of Scripture. Encourage them to ask questions, seek understanding, and apply the wisdom they gain to their daily lives. By empowering them with the knowledge and tools to study the Bible, we equip them to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Embracing the Imperfect Progress

As parents, it's important to remember that transformation takes time. We must embrace the process and be patient with ourselves and our pre-teens. Along the journey, there may be setbacks, moments of frustration, and even doubts. But amidst it all, let love and grace guide us. Offer forgiveness when mistakes are made, seize teachable moments, and remind our pre-teens that change is not linear but a beautiful tapestry of growth.

Just as a tree is shaped over the years through wind, rain, soil and other environmental effects, so too are our children over time to grow into the beautiful adults that they become. Remember that parenting is not easy, but requires diligence, patience, and love every day throughout the months and years. As a parent, you have such a profound influence on shaping the behavior and heart of your child, so ensure you tend to this with particular attention and care. 



Disciplining pre-teens is not a simple task, but it is a sacred opportunity. It is a chance to shape their behavior and nurture their hearts for a lifetime of purpose and integrity. By combining effective discipline strategies with the power of biblical instruction, we create an environment where lasting change can take root. Let us embark on this journey together, holding their hands with love, patience, and unwavering faith. Through discipline and biblical guidance, we can transform not only their behavior but their very hearts, shaping them into compassionate, resilient, and godly individuals who will leave an indelible mark on the world.

Remember, dear parents, you are not alone on this journey. Seek support from your community, find solace in prayer, and lean on the wisdom of others who have walked this path before. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and hold fast to the belief that the seeds we sow today will bear fruit in the future. May your efforts in disciplining and shaping your pre-teens be guided by love, faith, and a deep desire to see them grow into the incredible individuals they are meant to be.

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Table of Contents
  1. When Discipline Meets Heart Transformation: A Guide for Parents of Pre-Teens
    1. The Rollercoaster of Pre-Teen Behavior: Understanding the Journey
  2. Section 1: The Turbulence of Pre-Teen Behavior
    1. Unraveling the Mystery: Understanding Pre-Teen Behavior
  3. Section 2: The Art of Discipline and Behavior Change
    1. Guiding Stars: Establishing Clear Expectations and Boundaries
    2. Lighting the Way: Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement
    3. In the midst of challenging behavior, it's easy to overlook the moments of brilliance and progress our pre-teens display. Acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments, no matter how small, strengthens their self-esteem and motivates them to continue making positive choices. Let us shower them with genuine praise, rewards, and quality time together, illuminating their journey with love and encouragement.
  4. Section 3: Unveiling the Heart: Biblical Instruction and Transformation
    1. The Power Within: Teaching Biblical Values
    2. Leading by Example: The Legacy We Leave
    3. The Power of Prayer: Nurturing the Soul
  5. Section 4: The Journey Continues: Cultivating Lasting Change
    1. Empowering Through Personal Bible Study
    2. Embracing the Imperfect Progress
  6. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles