​5 Biblical Principles for Resolving Financial Issues in Marriage

John Apr 04, 2023
56 People Read
Table of Contents
  1. Why Finances Result in Marital Issues
    1. Different Spending Habits and Financial Priorities
    2. Lack of Transparency and Honesty
    3. Financial Stress
  2. What the Bible Says About Finances and Marriage
    1. View Money as a Gift from God
    2. Be Honest and Transparent
    3. Avoid Debt
    4. Save and Invest Wisely
  3. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles

Money is often cited as a leading cause of marital issues, and it's not hard to see why. Financial disagreements can quickly spiral out of control, creating tension and mistrust in the relationship. Here are some common reasons why finances result in marital issues.


Why Finances Result in Marital Issues

Different Spending Habits and Financial Priorities

When two people come together in marriage, they often bring with them different spending habits and financial priorities. For example, one partner may be a spender, while the other is a saver. One may prioritize paying off debt, while the other is more focused on saving for retirement. These differences can create tension in the relationship as the couple struggles to find common ground.


Lack of Transparency and Honesty

Another common issue is a lack of transparency or honesty about financial matters. This could include hiding purchases or debts from a partner, or keeping separate accounts without the other's knowledge. Such behavior can erode trust in the relationship, leading to further problems down the line.


Financial Stress

Money can also be a significant source of stress in a marriage, particularly if one or both partners are struggling financially. The pressure to make ends meet, pay bills, and manage debt can create a lot of anxiety and tension, which can spill over into other areas of the relationship.


What the Bible Says About Finances and Marriage

The Bible has much to say about financial stewardship and how we should manage our resources. Here are some key principles that can help couples navigate financial issues in their marriage:

View Money as a Gift from God

One key principle is to view our money and possessions as gifts from God, and to be responsible and wise in how we use them. This means being grateful for what we have, and being mindful of how we spend our money. We should also be generous and willing to share our resources with others, as a way of honoring God and demonstrating our love for others.


Be Honest and Transparent

Another important principle is to be honest and transparent with our finances. This means being open about our income, expenses, debts, and savings, and working together as a team to manage our money. It also means avoiding deceitful or manipulative behavior, and being willing to admit when we've made a mistake.


Avoid Debt

The Bible also warns us about the dangers of debt, and encourages us to live within our means. Proverbs 22:7 states, "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender." This reminds us of the importance of avoiding debt and living a financially responsible life.

credit card

Save and Invest Wisely

Finally, the Bible encourages us to save and invest wisely. Proverbs 21:20 says, "Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it." This reminds us of the importance of saving for the future and investing our resources wisely, rather than wasting them on frivolous or unnecessary things.



In conclusion, finances can be a significant source of tension in a marriage, but by applying biblical principles for financial stewardship, couples can work together to build a strong and healthy relationship that honors God. By being transparent and honest with each other, setting shared financial goals, and developing a plan for paying off debts, couples can navigate financial issues in their marriage and build a brighter future together.

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Table of Contents
  1. Why Finances Result in Marital Issues
    1. Different Spending Habits and Financial Priorities
    2. Lack of Transparency and Honesty
    3. Financial Stress
  2. What the Bible Says About Finances and Marriage
    1. View Money as a Gift from God
    2. Be Honest and Transparent
    3. Avoid Debt
    4. Save and Invest Wisely
  3. Conclusion
    1. Related Articles