Raising Daughters Who Grow Up To Be Wise And Love Jesus

John Nov 23, 2022
5 People Read
father daughter bond
Table of Contents
  1. Daughters
  2. Worth
  3. Jesus Christ
  4. Conclusion

Raising strong, little girls who grow up to love Jesus and live wisely is no easy feat. As parents, we want our daughters from early life to be strong in their faith and develop the skills they need to make wise decisions in life that will follow them into adulthood where they are strong, wise, Christian women of faith. But how can we do that?

father daughter on dock


By providing our daughters with a strong foundation in God's Word, strong Christian female role models, and strong values. We can teach our daughters the value and truth of scripture, and introduce them to strong women in the Bible like Esther, Ruth, and Mary so they can relate to these strong examples.

We can also support our daughters and provide them with a strong foundation by instilling strong values such as accountability, respect, hard work, compassion, and humility. Teaching these values through our example is one of the best ways to ensure strong character development in our daughters.

mother and daughter at sunset


We can teach our daughters the value of their worth and worth in worship. She must understand her worth from God's perspective as a female image bearer of God. By teaching her that she has inherent worth and worth for worshiping Him, she will have a strong foundation on which to stand and make wise decisions in life, beginning as a child and leading well into adulthood as a woman.

We want our daughters to be confident, secure in their faith, and courageous as they step into adulthood. By providing them with a strong spiritual foundation based on God’s Word, teaching them values rooted in scripture, and emphasizing their worth and worth for worshiping Him, we give our daughters the best opportunity to live out His calling with confidence. With confidence in God, our daughters will be less likely to seek validation or worth from the world and will learn to rely on God's truth. This confidence provides them with a strong foundation of security and peace that no other person or thing can offer. Encouraging our daughters to look for value and worth in their relationship with God is a crucial step in helping them to become strong, confident women.

daughter in field

Jesus Christ

By emphasizing worth in God and worth for worship, we help our daughters find their worth in Him, first as savior through His Son Jesus, and then through the grace, glory, and joy of communion with God, His word, His people, and His Holy Spirit. This is an invaluable gift that will open up a world of possibilities for them - a world where they are free to explore who they truly are as God's beloved children. With this security in place, our daughters can be courageous and pursue the life of faithfulness to which He has called them!

When our daughters discover their why – why they have worth in God and why He is worthy of worship – it will give them the courage to live a life of purpose and faithfulness. They won't need a checklist for moral “do's” or “don'ts,” because they will know that their worth and value come from the Lord. Through discovering her "why" our daughters will be secure in their identity and equipped to pursue the calling God has placed on their life with confidence!

daughters in field at sunset


Let us equip our little girls with a strong foundation rooted in God’s Word so that they can confidently live out His purposes with courage! By teaching them why they have worth in God and why He is worthy of worship, we can provide them with the foundation they need to live a life of purpose and faithfulness.

May our daughters find their value and worth in God, through Him may they stand strong in faith!


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Table of Contents
  1. Daughters
  2. Worth
  3. Jesus Christ
  4. Conclusion