How To Develop The Fortitude To Lead And Serve

John Nov 27, 2022
2 People Read
leading from the front
Table of Contents
  1. To Lead and to Serve Others is One of Man’s Highest Calling
  2. Developing “strength for two” requires 3 things:
  3. Self-Reflection
  4. Reading
  5. Prayer

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” — Joshua 1:9 ESV

To Lead and to Serve Others is One of Man’s Highest Calling

A hero in Greek mythology is said to have “strength for two.” This refers to the notion that in order to be heroic, one must not only survive on their own, but also help others survive as well.

When I see Spartans helping those in need, it motivates me. In non-Spartan races, people often shout words of encouragement, but I’ve seen Spartan runners literally carrying other runners, bearing their burdens, and paying others’ ‘burpee penalties.’

What are we willing to endure to prepare? Is there anyone out there who can stand up for themselves? Can you stand up for others? In light of everything we’ve been through, will we be strong in mind, body, and spirit enough to help others?

fire fighter wearing black and yellow uniform pointing for something

Developing “strength for two” requires 3 things:

You have to be stretched and tested to increase capacity. If something doesn’t challenge you, you will never change.

We should all look at pain as beneficial rather than despair. Instead of avoiding pain, let God turn it into a catalyst for progress.

When faced with fear, we have two options. We can either “Forget Everything and Run” or “Face Everything and Rise.”

We require individuals who are morally principled, unyielding, physically capable of helping others in need, and emotionally capable of bolstering and encouraging those who are down and out. Such people are known as heroes.

It is time to develop the “strength for two.” Be strong and courageous.

men paddling in inflatable raft boat during daytime


  1. What is one thing you can do immediately to push past your limitations in mind, body, or spirit?

  2. What suffering are you experiencing that God might use to make you stronger?

  3. What are you fearful of doing right now to build your faith in God?


Romans 8:31; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27


“Father, help me to develop the strength to lead and help carry other’s burdens so that I can serve You ultimately, and help serve others when they need it most. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

soldiers in line to get in a plane

Table of Contents
  1. To Lead and to Serve Others is One of Man’s Highest Calling
  2. Developing “strength for two” requires 3 things:
  3. Self-Reflection
  4. Reading
  5. Prayer