Best Adjustable Dumbbell Strength Training For Runners

John Jan 02, 2023
6 People Read
runner on path
Table of Contents
  1. Why runners need weight training
  2. Adjustable dumbbell recommendations
  3. The best adjustable dumbbell strength training workouts for runners
  4. How to incorporate adjustable dumbbells strength training into your running routine
  5. The benefits of runners' strength training with adjustable dumbbells
  6. Conclusion
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As a runner, you know the importance of staying in shape and keeping your muscles strong. But what's the best way to strength train? Free weights or weight machines? And how can you get the most out of your workouts? Check out this post for the best adjustable dumbbell strength training for runners. You'll learn everything you need to know about how to build muscle and stay healthy while doing it!

Why runners need weight training

Running is an incredibly popular form of exercise, but training smartly means more than just running - runners need to include strength training into their training routine to build strength, power, and endurance. Resistance training helps build the muscles and joints necessary to support running - with improved stability, it's easier to reduce the risk of injury while simultaneously improving running performance. Strength training also reduces fatigue and improves recovery time between runs. Runners who include strength training into their training plans find it easier to stick with their resistance program as they begin to enjoy the many physical benefits associated with a stronger body!

running long distance

Adjustable dumbbell recommendations

For runners looking to take their runs to the next level and supplement strength training, NordicTrack's 55 Lb Adjustable Dumbbells are a great choice simply for their versatility, ease of weight adjustment, hexagonal head for floor support, and value for money. With NordicTrack, runners can get a full set of adjustable dumbbells in one weight – with the ability to quickly adjust between 10 and 55 Lbs with a simple turn of the handle. Allowing users to easily alter their desired weight quickly, NordicTrack’s 55 Lb Adjustable Dumbbells provide an exceptional training experience for runners by enabling optimal workout tempo and versatile workouts. Plus these dumbbells come with floor docks that easily fit into a small space in your home, garage gym, or even under your desk at the office, conveniently making them accessible without taking up space.

Whether you're a new runner or an experienced marathoner looking for an extra edge on your competition, NordicTrack’s adjustable dumbbells will keep pace with you and help you reach your goals. There's nothing better than a new pair of quality adjustable dumbbells like NordicTrack that will stand the test of time and provide you with quality training gear that will deliver year after year. They're built to last, so do yourself a favor and invest in a quality set from the start.

The best adjustable dumbbell strength training workouts for runners

Strength training with adjustable dumbbells is an essential part of any runner’s workout routine. By doing dumbbell exercises with various weight increments, runners can take their running skills to the next level by improving strength and balance. Not only do adjustable dumbbell strength training help runners to increase power and agility; but it also promotes what exercise science has termed bilateral movement. This is important because proper symmetry on both sides of the body leads to better performance in running as muscle imbalances are improved through bilateral isolation, leading to both upper body strength, lower body strength, and stronger core for an upright posture on your run.

With good form and bi-lateral movements in your dumbbell exercises, the body's connective tissues and muscles are stimulated in similar bi-lateral movement patterns the way that running stimulates them. Applying force on your primary "running muscles" in a bilateral manner from dumbbell workouts enables you to run faster with increased range as your body adjusts to the muscle stress of strength training. Plus this bilateral movement will strengthen your core and improve your posture, which is essential for maintaining breathing, a good stride and preventing injury in the long run.

When it comes to adjustable dumbbell strength workouts for runners, most experts recommend a combination of exercises with multiple reps and sets at maximum weight and lighter weight, hence the requirement for adjustable dumbbells. Examples of adjustable dumbbell exercises that are suitable for runners are upper body exercises like the shoulder press, chest press, bicep curls, bent-over rows, triceps kickbacks, and lower body compound exercises such as Romanian deadlifts, dumbbell squats, and lunges.

Aim for lighter weights and high volume, like 4 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions for muscular endurance. On days when you want to incorporate muscular strength building, aim for heavier weights and fewer repetitions, like 4 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions. For maximum strength building, utilize maximum weight for 4 sets under 6 repetitions. Varying your workouts between high and low volume reps and sets with heavy and lighter weights will enable the greatest strength gains as you continue forcing the body to adapt, rather than allowing it to settle into a fixed routine. Changing up your tempo, volume, and weights will keep the body guessing and primed for growth.

Change weight on the adjustable dumbbell set higher or lower based on your specific weight requirements for that day. If you're feeling strong, go heavier. If you had a grueling running workout the day before and don't feel as strong, choose a lower weight. Experiment with one dumbbell or one leg exercise, like the one foot or single leg straight-leg Romanian deadlift or dumbbell lateral lunge with the weight held at your chest. Most coaches, especially running coaches, agree that your weight options and exercises are up to you based on how you feel that day, so pick what works and just do it.

The key for either high volume or low volume is to challenge yourself to muscle fatigue, so having adjustable dumbbells that you can adjust to your needs will ensure you can run stronger and exercise appropriately to scale as your strength increases so that you continue to stimulate growth in the muscle fibers during workout sessions. Incorporating adjustable dumbbell workouts into your running routine will ensure you get the strength you need as you gain strength while still being able to log those miles, injury free, needed to reach peak performance.

running long distance

How to incorporate adjustable dumbbells strength training into your running routine

If you want to add adjustable dumbbell strength training to your running routine, it's best to sequence the exercises in a way that will make them most beneficial for you. For example, dumbbells can be used before or after running to increase power and agility on the course. This is especially important if you're training for longer distances as they help to build muscle and stability which can improve endurance levels. When deciding how to incorporate dumbbells into your routine, make sure you give yourself enough rest time both before and after the running or dumbbell workout so that your muscles are sufficiently warmed-up and cooled down afterward.

Everyone is different, and there's no hard and fast rule if one should strength train or run first. It's dependent on your preference, so find what works for you, but strength training is essential however you fit it into your schedule. Many runners prefer to set specific days in the week for weight training and focus on squeezing in their runs on non-strength training days. Others combine strength training and running on the same day, for instance working out in the morning, and doing their running in the evening. Taking this approach will help ensure that all of the benefits of dumbbell strength training are achieved, making you a better overall runner.

guy working out

The benefits of runners' strength training with adjustable dumbbells

Dumbbell strength training is an invaluable asset to any runner's fitness routine, as it helps build strength, stability, and endurance. Not only does strength training improve your cardiovascular capacity, but it also helps protect your tendons and muscles from injury by strengthening them. Strength training can also help improve track performance, as having strength behind running movements such as pushing off the ground or explosively jumping for faster speeds can help you step up your game. With adjustable dumbbell strength training added to one's regular running program, runners can engage in faster, more intense workout sessions with better results than normal. Overall, adjustable dumbbell strength training brings many benefits to runners and can greatly improve their level of fitness and performance.


Strength training is an important part of any runner’s routine and can help improve performance, prevent injuries, and increase overall fitness. The best adjustable dumbbells for runners make it easy to strength train at home, and the best dumbbell strength training workouts are easy to incorporate into a running schedule. By adding just a few minutes of strength training per week, runners can see big improvements in their running performance. What are you waiting for? Start strength training today!

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Table of Contents
  1. Why runners need weight training
  2. Adjustable dumbbell recommendations
  3. The best adjustable dumbbell strength training workouts for runners
  4. How to incorporate adjustable dumbbells strength training into your running routine
  5. The benefits of runners' strength training with adjustable dumbbells
  6. Conclusion
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